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Dr. Edwards did return later as he had promised and Delaney, by that point was awake. More alert, and well aware of the position she now found herself in as her eyes locked on to the blue gaze that belonged to Dawn Lerner. There was something about that police officer - that APD officer, who stood with her hands on her belt, trying to seem innocent in her observations, but failing. Dawn was observing her, as Dr. Edwards did checks and Delaney was hating it. Those beady, inquisitive eyes that paid close attention everytime Dr. Edwards did something that should have hurt, noting that Delaney did not wince. 

Delaney held her tongue the entire time, even as Dawn stepped closer, "Dr. Edwards said your name was Delaney." with a little narrow to her eyes when Delaney did not respond, Dawn lent her hand down onto the edge of the bed, "We found you out on the road - brought you in, patched you up..." Delaney knew exactly where this was going, her eyes focusing on the officer with neutrality, as not to make things any harder.

Noah - God, poor Noah - he had said that they liked weak people. They preferred weak people. Women, children, small men, old people.

Delaney was anything but weak, but Dawn wasn't to know that.

"...which means you owe us." and there it was. Delaney tried not to scoff at the woman's audacity, comparing her almost to Gareth in her stupidity and intelligence. It was frustrating, to that part of Delaney that craved a god damn break. Why did every second of her life have to feel like a fight. 

After that delightful one-sided conversation was had, Dawn left, and Dr. Edwards ushered in a small petite looking blonde girl, who looked a little timid. Her eyes were big and blue, taking in the state of Delaney laying in her bed with clear sympathy. "This is Beth." he introduced the ward, and when her name was said, Beth offered her a reassuring smile, which made Delaney grimace internally - of course she'd be like Maggie.

The two girls did not share much in common in the way of looks. Maggie had dark hair and forest green eyes, whilst Beth had golden hair and blue eyes, but there was something decidedly similar about their smiles. 

Dr. Edwards left Beth there, mentioning other patients that he had to look after. As soon as he was gone and out of earshot, Delaney leveled Beth with a look and stated, "You're Beth." The little blonde hesitated in her steps and blinked at Delaney unsure, "Maggie's sister?" The name made Beth perk up immediately, her small body rushing to Delaney's bed side eager to hear more.

"You know Maggie?" The hopeful glint in her eye was something. Delaney stared at the bright smile that had appeared, and felt something warm bloom in her chest. "Where is she, is she okay?" Beth lent closer, and Delaney couldn't help but eye the wound on her cheek, neatly stitched closed. She wondered if it had been the doing inside here or out, but she didn't ask. Instead she shifted on the spot, wincing at the aching in her bruised and fractured ribs, trying to ignore how Beth darted to help her. 

"She's fine." Delaney sighed through her teeth, nose scrunching, "With her husband - and the rest 'a ya people." 

Beth's blue eyes widened even more, welling with tears as palpable happiness seemed to bubble up, "Judith? Carl? What about Daryl?" 

Delaney shifted once more, annoyed at the IV line connected to her inner elbow, but she wasn't stupid enough to take it out knowing she was desperately dehydrated before. She locked her eyes on Beth's and nodded her head, "Fine, they're all fine." She saw Beth's shoulders slump and shake as she let out a relieved sob. Delaney pressed her head into the pillow as the room began to spin, "We need to get outta here..." 

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