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The back and forth rocking motion of being carried woke Delaney with a sickening nausea, her head was throbbing harshly, making her groan out loud, startling Daryl who had continued to carry her despite others offering to help. His arms were hurting, straining beneath her weight, and still he did not let up. He knew his muscles would be burning for a good few days after this, but he owed her this at least - not to wake in a strangers arms. 

Her head was against his shoulder, eyes blinking open slowly and firmly, seeing nothing but the dark brown hair that hung limply beside her brothers ear. She winced, aware of the firm grip he had on her body, ensuring he didn't drop her, spreading a numb ache through out her leg and her side. If she was being honest, she panicked momentarily at the thought of being carried, breath hitching, but then she realized whom was holding her and it all evened out. 

"You're all right." Daryl's voice was low, rough, disused, his head tilting down to look at her as she deliriously stared up at him. She continued to blink slowly, vision much, much better than before she'd passed out. Her eyes focused then on the bruising on his face, the black eye, the cuts, and a frown unexpectedly spread across her features. 

Her hand rose up, slightly shaky and brushed heavier against his face than she had intended. Daryl jerked slightly at the contact, not sure what she was doing, but she put her hand back and mused his hair back to see the darkening bruises on his face, "Who the fuck did tha'?" Her voice was slightly slurred, still regaining her bearings. Daryl turned his face out of her hold again, letting his hair topple back to where it had been, and her arm flopped back down onto her body.

"Ya think ya can walk? Ya throwin' my back." She snorted at his mutter, but gave a nod of her head despite not knowing if she could or not. He slowed to a stop, and carefully shifted her so that her feet were on the ground, his body being used as a crutch at first. She lent into his side, regaining her breath, wincing at the aching hunger. His hands steadied her, holding her still as she caught her bearings and took a deep breath - or as best as she could with the pain in her chest.

"All right?" he questioned roughly, blue eyes darting back and forth across her face to make sure there was no signs appearing that she was going to pass out again. Honestly, that clean water had done some wonders, but she was still in dire need of more and food - all of which looked like they might be hard to come by as these people clearly had no home to return to. 

Those ahead of them didn't immediately notice that Delaney had woken up, continuing on quietly through the woods. However, with a glance backwards someone seemed to notice and called the lot of them to a stop. Spotting her upright and breathing, those at the back of the group, namely Maggie and Glenn brightened up, "Are you feelin' a little better?" The former questioned.

It drew Delaney's eyes toward her, recognizing her as Glenn's girlfriend from earlier. Still trying to gather herself, Delaney had to admit to herself - a bit disarmed - that she was a very pretty girl. With her bright forest green eyes, her kind smile, her dark hair messily tied up into a knot. She was gorgeous in a, I haven't washed my hair in days, kind of way. Delaney stared dumbly, before frowning, trying to recall the question she'd been asked. Luckily, Maggie seemed to assume that her lack of conversation was due to the passing out and not dumbstruck idiocy on Delaney's part.

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