until next time

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Dear [Name],

I am writing this letter to express my deepest apologies for everything that I have done. I never intended for you to develop curse energy and I have been trying my best to keep you out of harm's way for a long time now.

I have sent a missive to Yaga-san explaining your unique situation, and I am happy to say that he has agreed to take you in. Unfortunately, I am unable to drop you off myself due to the council sending me on another mission.

I am confident that you will do well at Jujutsu High in Tokyo, where you will be provided with board and food. The majority of people there are nice and I am sure you will fit right in. I have attached the address at the bottom of this letter for your convenience.

I hope that the next time we meet, it will be under better circumstances. Once again, please accept my sincerest apologies.



As [Name] reads the letter in front of them, they can't help but scoff at Yuuta's lack of courage to apologize in person. They feel a twinge of anger towards their childhood friend, wondering how he could treat them this way. They consider going after Yuuta and giving him a good smack for his actions.

It's frustrating for [Name] to think that Yuuta sometimes acts too shy around other human beings, especially when it comes to facing the consequences of his own mistakes. After all, they have been close friends since childhood and they expected more from him.

Looking around the campus in front of them, [Name] realizes that it's already too late to catch up to Yuuta. He's likely long gone and didn't even provide information on his whereabouts in the letter. While a part of [Name] wants to follow him and confront him about his behavior, they know that they simply don't have the financial means to do so. They also have a feeling Yuuta would flee if he saw them in their current strength.

In the end, [Name] shakes their head in disappointment and decides to focus on the present. They take in the campus around them, trying to find some solace in their new surroundings. Despite the hurt that they feel from Yuuta's actions, they know that they need to move on and make the best of their situation.

"Here is Jujustu High," they whisper to themself, "I really hope they can help, Yuuta."

As they stepped forward, they felt the weight of their keys jiggling on their designated spot on the right side of their belt. It was a reassuring reminder of their ability that manifested after what had happened. This a reminder they need to figure out how it works and how to control it. On the other side of their belt, they felt the cool leather of their trusty brown whip, which they had brought along for added protection.


Gojo looks up from his magazine at the new energy signature that came into the compound. He never felt this person's presence, it certainly isn't any of his first-year students. Immediately he gets up from his bed and walks out the door to find the presence in the courtyard, looking as lost as ever. He silences his footsteps in case this person is here for spy work. He crossed out invasion because no one is this stupid to send someone in as a diversion, but things can happen.

"Excuse me, can you help me?"

The white-haired male blinks in surprise as the person twirls around now facing him. He hears the distinct sound of keys jingling in the air. 'Isn't this interesting,' the male mused to himself. He knows for sure that no one can hear his footsteps and the only way is to have a keen sense to notice him. Is it possible this person is a curse sensor? People who are naturally gifted in sensing curse energy. For most sorcerers, it comes with experience. One in 10 people would be born with this gift.

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