new day, more pain

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The soft rays of the morning sun gently spilled into [Name]'s room, casting a warm glow that signaled the beginning of a new day. As they slowly opened their eyes, the events of the previous day began to filter back into their consciousness like a haunting melody. The grief, the pain, the unsettling revelation about Rika—it all lingered, leaving an indelible mark on their thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, [Name] endeavored to steel themselves for the challenges the new day would undoubtedly bring as it is the first day of training camp under Maki's order. Amidst the emotional turmoil, they made a mental note to discreetly borrow Gojo-sensei's phone later to call Yuuta. The prospect of hearing their childhood friend's voice was a balm they desperately needed, even if the wounds were still fresh. He must be thinking they are still mad at him. Of course, they are, but right now they just need to hear their childhood friend's voice.

However, as they turned their head to the side, their eyes widened in shock. Fushiguro, wearing a tracksuit instead of his uniform, stood there, silently watching them, his usual stoic expression unchanged. A startled scream escaped [Name]'s lips, and they instinctively pulled the covers up, a mixture of embarrassment and surprise etched on their face.

"Fushiguro! What the hell?!" [Name] exclaimed, their heart pounding in their chest.

Fushiguro maintained his calm demeanor, seemingly unfazed by their outburst. "Good morning. How are you feeling today?"

"Feeling?! I just woke up to find you at the foot of my bed. What kind of greeting is that?" [Name] retorted, a mix of frustration and confusion evident in their voice.

Fushiguro shrugged nonchalantly. "I wanted to check on you. After everything that happened, I thought it would be best."

[Name] sighed, running a hand through their disheveled hair. "I appreciate the concern, but next time, maybe knock or something."

Fushiguro nodded, his gaze steady. "Sure. My apologies."

As [Name] settled back against their pillows, the weight of the previous day's events lingered. Fushiguro, ever-perceptive, noticed the struggle within them.

"If you need to talk, I'm here," he offered quietly.

[Name] hesitated for a moment before nodding appreciatively. "Thanks, Fushiguro. I might take you up on that one day, but not right now. I need to process this first." I also need to call Yuuta too, they thought solemnly as their finger clutched on the blanket twitched.

Fushiguro's gaze remained fixed on the window overlooking the tranquil courtyard, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I also came to tell you that Zen'in-senpai is waiting for you, and I quote, 'if they don't hurry their ass here, I am going to beat their ass,' end quote."

[Name] jolted upright, their eyes widening at the unexpected urgency. "Ha!?"

In response, Fushiguro offered a small nod of seriousness. "You better hurry up."

With a burst of determination, [Name] threw their blanket off, ready to spring into action. However, the universe seemed to conspire against them as their foot got tangled in the sheets, sending them crashing to the floor. Fushiguro let out a tired sigh, his expression betraying a hint of amusement as [Name] unleashed a string of colorful curses in their attempt to extricate themselves from the blankets.

[Name] struggled with the bed sheets, shooting Fushiguro an exasperated look. "Could you, um, get out for a moment? I need to change."

Fushiguro sighed, the hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "Sure thing. Just hurry up; Zenin-senpai isn't known for her patience."

"Alright, alright," [Name] replied, waving him away as they attempted to free themselves from the tangle of sheets.

Once Fushiguro left the room, [Name] quickly changed into athletic clothes. As they pulled on a pair of sneakers, they pondered how to approach Gojo about contacting Yuuta. The atmosphere around the school was still heavy with the recent events, and the mention of calling Yuuta added an extra layer of tension as they had to ask him various questions.

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