run, run, run, baby (pt.2)

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With a confident smile, [Name] sprang into action as the monstrous rat regained its senses. They executed a flawless backflip, landing gracefully behind Junpei. They brought their arm up and they swung their arm down harshly as their whip coiled around the creature's mouth smashing it back to the ground, disorienting the curse. With a quick motion, they loosened the whip and brought it back to their side, allowing the curse to regain its freedom.

As the rat shook its head, [Name] wasted no time. "We better go!" they called out cheerfully, reaching down to grab Junpei's arm and hoisting him to his feet.

"Woah!" Junpei exclaimed in surprise, feeling himself stumble into [Name]'s arms. Flustered, he attempted to regain his balance, but their hand on his hip left him momentarily breathless.

"Hold on!" [Name] shouted, tightening their grip around his waist, and swerving to the right, just in time as the rat's massive paw slammed down on their previous position. It quickly recovered and aimed to try again. Maybe luck will be on its side.

"What do you mean-?!" Junpei cried out, his voice drowned out by the sound of the impact as [Name] leaped away, carrying him to safety, dodging another attack from the monster. The curse screeched as it didn't get to smash the two humans again.

Meanwhile, Yuuta and Rika watched from the sidelines, their eyes (and single eye in Rika's case) fixed on the scene unfolding before them. Seeing [Name] touch Junpei so intimately stirred jealousy within them, a feeling they struggled to suppress.

"Look at them," Rika muttered, her voice tinged with envy as she clenched her teeth. "Why does [Name] get to be so close to that boy, Yuuta?"

Yuuta's jaw tightened, his gaze narrowing as he observed [Name] and Junpei's interaction. "It's not fair," he murmured, his tone laced with envy. "We've known [Name] for longer, yet they seem to have Junpei's undivided attention. We are going to have to wait for this to end and whisk them away."

With a frustrated sigh, Rika turned away, unable to bear witnessing the closeness between Junpei and [Name]. "We'll have to make humans realize who [Name] truly belongs to," she declared, her eyes flashing with determination. "After all, [Name] is supposed to marry both of us."

Yuuta nodded in agreement, a sense of determination settling over him. "I agree, but no worries, [Name] won't see him after this," he affirmed, his gaze lingering on the pair.

[Name] noticed the rat was about to pounce again and swiftly swung Junpei closer, their chests pressing together. With a fluid motion of their whip, they bound their wrists together, linking their hands with the weapon. A mischievous grin played on their lips as Junpei's face turned as red as a tomato.

"I hope you can dance!" [Name] teased, their laughter echoing through the tense air.

"What are you talking about?" Junpei panted, his confusion evident. [Name] ignored their question as they brought their hand up and Junpei did the same, curious. His eyes widened as they intertwined their fingers with his. However, he couldn't deny that his face began to warm up by their actions, his heart beating faster. He just couldn't tell if it was from fear or if he had butterflies in his stomach. It could be both as he technically felt like this with someone before, or was in a death situation. First time for everything.

"Get ready," they whispered, their voice filled with excitement as they beamed at him.

"What-!!!!" Junpei's scream was drowned out by the rush of adrenaline as the pair twirled to the right, narrowly avoiding the rat's lethal strike.

[Name] laughed joyfully, guiding Junpei across the warehouse floor like a pair of dancers while the rat viciously attempted to crush them. "Too close for comfort!" he yelled, his cheeks ablaze as [Name] dipped him, their faces inches apart.

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