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A week pass. Hyunsuk didn't talk or find for Jihoon after that incident. He did crossed path with Jihoon once. But he walked pass him with head low down. He is not dare enough to look up at Jihoon after the awkward incident happened.

Hyunsuk morning class ended. He lazily walk out from his class.

After having a hectic week. His body felt tired and sore. He just want to lay on his soft mattress, hug his chilli plush and sleep.

His assignment due date suddenly changed by the subject lecture. Making all his classmates groan in frustration. Everyone did in hurry to submit it on time.

For Hyunsuk. Since he is working. He didn't get much time to do it during daytime. He had to sacrifice his sleep and do it till late night. Continuing it for days drained his energy.

But doing so also benefit him. He didn't had much time to think about what happen between him and Jihoon week ago.

Hyunsuk phone notification rang. He fish out and check on the notification. He gulp in nervous as he saw the name on the screen. 'Hoonie ❤'.

- meet me at cafeteria.
- now.

Hyunsuk sigh. Can he just ignore? No. Even though he is treating Hyunsuk well. He didn't forget the scary Jihoon. Who get mad if anyone disobey him. Also he didn't want to disappoint Jihoon. He doesn't want the Jihoon who is kind and sweet change into the arrogant one again. He nervously drag his feet to the said place.

Hyunsuk entered the cafeteria and looked around. It didn't took him long to spot Jihoon in the empty cafeteria. Sitting alone at the corner table. His back facing Hyunsuk.

Hyunsuk walk to the table and awkwardly stood next to the table.

Jihoon turn as he felt a presence near him and found Hyunsuk standing.

"sit." Jihoon said gesturing the seat in front of him.

Hyunsuk obeyed.

Jlihoon then push the plate in front of him to Hyunsuk.

Hyunsuk look at the plate. Then shifted his eyes to Jihoon in confusion.

"eat. I bought for you.," Jihoon said. "I wasn't sure what you will eat. So i bought this. is it fine?"

Hyunsuk nodded but hesitate to eat.

"it's okay if you don't want. I will buy you something else." Jihoon spoke finding Hyunsuk's hesitation.

"no. no. I'm fine with this" Hyunsuk assure shaking his hand in denial for what Jihoon said. He then proceed to eat.

Jihoon bought chicken and fries. That was what Hyunsuk was having the last time he saw him at cafeteria.

While Hyunsuk was eating. Jihoon let him take his own time to eat and minded his own stuff. Making himself look busy with his phone.

But he didn't completely ignore Hyunsuk. Once a while he took a glance at Hyunsuk. Sometimes Hyunsuk will be sitting space out with his mouth full with food.

So badly Jihoon want to pinch those puffy cheek but he retract himself from doing so. He doesn't want to repeat the same mistake he did week ago. Which make Hyunsuk to distance himself from Jihoon.

Jihoon know Hyunsuk was trying to avoid him and he admit it. It was his fault. Who wouldn't freak out when someone suddenly touch and try to kiss them.

And knowing Hyunsuk. He is not used to these kind of thing and also the boy have experienced getting harassed. Which would probably have made him traumatized. Jihoon being the person who once saved Hyunsuk acting this way. He know the boy will surely get terrified by his action.

Hyunsuk let out a fake cough to get Jihoon's attention.

Jihoon lift up his head and found Hyunsuk is done with his food. He set aside his phone and look at Hyunsuk. He gave a warm smile to Hyunsuk.

A sudden thump on Hyunsuk's heart. He felt like he may die any moment now because of the smile. He never knew a smile can be this attractive. It's not his
first time seeing Jihoon smile. But why does he suddenly feel like this? He can feel something inside him.

Flash of what happen week ago came to his mind. Hyunsuk can feel his cheek heat up. He know by now he must have turn red. He immediately look down to hiding his flush face.

"shit. not now." He cried cursing himself internally. He felt so embarrassed.

On the other side Jihoon was finding for correct words to speak. He swear never in his life. He have struggle this much to start a conversation. But he is now. Because he doesn't want to make Hyunsuk uncomfortable.

Jihoon cleared his throat "uhm. so."

Hyunsuk looked up at Jihoon. Just as their eyes met. He instantly hang down his head again. Screaming insanely inside his head. He blame the strange feelings in him for acting this way. He can't even look at Jihoon. Clutching his hand under the table. He try to calm his damn freaking heart which is messing up with him.

"hyunsuk." Jihoon called for him.

Taking all the courage. Ignoring his thumping heart. Hyunsuk looked up.

"I'm sorry." jihoon said.

Hyunsuk blink in confusion.

"about what happen last week. I'm sorry." Jihoon continued.

"oh- uhm-" Hyunsuk stutter trying to fine words. "t-that's okay." He finally managed let out something.

The air around them fall awkward once again.

Jihoon clear his throat again to get Hyunsuk's attention.

"so. what were you about say last week?" Jihoon ask try to ease the awkwardness between them.

"ah. that-" Hyunsuk paused thinking how to explain it.

Jihoon patiently waited for him to continue.

"it's about the pay." Hyunsuk said.

Jihoon furrowed his brows trying to understand what the other boy is trying to talk about. It didn't take him long to figure out the topic. He nodded in understanding and ask the other boy to continue on what he was about to talk about it.

"can't I pay it other way?" Hyunsuk ask.

"other way?" Jihoon questioned.

"like not date and you said you won't accept the money."

"and what is the other way?"

"I will do whatever you ask me to."

"like slave?"

Hyunsuk hesitantly nodded. It is similar to slave but not exactly slave. Because Jihoon didn't force him to do. It's himself volunteer to do so.

Jihoon laughed at Hyunsuk's suggestion "really?" He ask.

Hyunsuk look at Jihoon in confusion.

"aren't you the one reported me for bullying?" Jihoon ask.

"that's different." Hyunsuk said.

"how is it different?"

"you are not bullying me or forcing me to do anything. it's me wanted to do."

Jihoon sigh. Getting annoy.

"look Hyunsuk. I didn't ask you to pay either. it's you being stubborn."

"I want to pay you back. it make me feel like I owe you something and I do owe you." Hyunsuk argue back.

jihoon sigh again. He really hate talking about this topic. He ended give up. Not wanting to argue anymore with the boy who is stubborn with his decision.

"fine. do whatever you want." He said standing up ready to leave.

Did Jihoon realize how simply he give in to Hyunsuk? The boy who been ruling and bullying the students is now being so easy to Hyunsuk.

Hyunsuk smiled widely. Happiness shown obvious on his face. Finally he made Jihoon to agree with him. He quickly stood up put his plate on wash and run behind Jihoon.


enjoy reading ❤

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