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Hyunsuk blinked, trying to process what he just heard.

"Suk?" Minjun worriedly called the other boy as he stood quiet without any word.

"Oh. Minjun'ah." Hyunsuk got back to his sense realising he been silent for a while making the other boy worried.

"I'm sorry. I do like you but as a friend. you are really special to me. you are the first friend I got here. I wanted to cherish our friendship forever. sorry I have never thought of you someone more than a good friend." Hyunsuk look down in guilt expressing how he felt for the other boy.

"don't be sorry. I won't force you, you can take your time, Suk. I will wait." with a gentle smile, holding Hyunsuk's hand he assure him.

"happy to hear that. thanks for loving me but I don't think I deserve it. I don't want you to wait for me. It will only give you hope. I don't think I can or will return your feelings sooner or later." Hyunsuk stop for a second before he continue his words. "a-and I don't think we can be friends anymore after knowing you have feelings for me. It will be awkward. I'm sorry Minjun'ah."

"Is it because of that guy?" Minjun questioned making Hyunsuk look at him in confussion.

"that guy earlier? Jihoon?" Hyunsuk thought before he question back Minjun "Jihoon?"

Minjun didn't answer. He is stare at Hyunsuk. Jihoon. Just by hearing that name make his blood boil and the way he dragged Hyunsuk away from him.

Seeing the other boy doesn't say anything, Hyunsuk guess it must be Jihoon and he was the only person they meet earlier. "no. Minjun'ah you misunderstood. Me and Jihoon are not even close. He-"

"then why can't you accept my feelings? May be not now but in the future. I told you I can wait." In pissed tone, staring straight into Hyunsuk's eyes he spoke.

Hyunsuk was dumbfounded with the sudden changes in his tone. This is not the soft friendly boy Hyunsuk know. The one who is always careful with his words and action. He have never been this way to Hyunsuk even when sometime he came to visit him with upset mind.

"Suk, listen. I will take care of you. I will make you smile like I always do. Trust me. Give me chance." He held Hyunsuk's hand firmly. The boy's eyes was full of hope and obsession. It's scaring Hyunsuk.

"M-Minjun. you look different." Hyunsuk stuttered trying to pull his hand out from the other's grip but it strong and tight.

"If you can't be mine, you can't be anyone's, Suk. blame yourself for who I'm going to be now." Minjun push Hyunsuk to the wall, holding tight his wrist as he cage him

"n-no. M-Minjun let me go." Hyunsuk struggle to get out from his hold but he can't. The other boy is much stronger compare to him.

Minjun doesn't mind Hyunsuk's scream and cries. He nigher their distance. He licked his own lips while looking deep at Hyunsuk's like a hungry wolf looking at it prey. He move his face closer try to catch the other's lip, Hyunsuk was quick to avoid it by turning his face to the other side. Hyunsuk wiggle try to get away from his firm grip.

Minjun was annoyed at how Hyunsuk keep avoiding him. He pull up both Hyunsuk's hand and hold it with his right and the other hand holding tight on his jaw, making Hyunsuk face him. Minjun kissed him. Hyunsuk shut his mouth tight, preventing from being kiss and not letting him to deepen their disgusting kiss.

Affer a while of trying to kiss and getting irritate at Hyunsuk's behaviour, Minjun let go his hold on Hyunsuk Jaw. He stare deep into Hyunsuk's eye "stop being a stubborn ass Choi Hyunsuk." He spoke in cold annoyance tone.

"Let me go, Minjun. please I beg you." Hyunsuk cried.

Minjun smirk and turn his body to face the wall. His other hand is still holding Hyunsuk's both hand up and the one holding his jaw earlier now covering Hyunsuk's mouth from screaming. He push his body on Hyunsuk's and brush it against the other, tongue found it's way on Hyunsuk's nape. Licking, sucking and leaving mark.

Hyunsuk felt hopeless. He cried his lungs out. All his effort to free himself are gone in vein.

Just when he feel like giving up, he realise their current standing position with Minjun's one hand on his mouth. He bite it as harsh as he can. Hoping the other guy will flinch in pain and get away from him. Thank to god things happen as he wish. Why didn't he think about this earlier? Probably he was hopeless and too into crying his lungs out.

"fuck you Choi Hyunsuk!" is what he heard as he run away once he got free from the hold.

Without turning back he run as fast as he can. He know Minjun won't let him go that easily. He is probably chasing after him by now. His visions are getting blurry by the continues tears dropping. He doesn't care. The only thing on his mind now is he need to safe himself, hide himself somewhere safe from Minjun. His mind is fully focus on escaping from Minjun. How he wish someone will safe him.


Not knowing how long and how far he have walked while drowning deep in his thought, he look around. He found a familiar convenient store. The store where Hyunsuk is working.

Jihoon is living at the nearby apartment. He rarely go to his house because no one will be there. His mom is always busy with her business trip while his uncle have his own house. Only some maid will be there to keep the house clean. He rather live alone at his studio apartment than live alone in that big mansion. Living there will only make him feel more lonelier than he is already feeling now.

He look at his watch. It shows 11:12p.m. "he must have finish his work by now." He thought before continue to walk.



Hyunsuk fall on the ground hitting something. No. Someone. That said someone stood like a rock while Hyunsuk on the ground.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry." standing up Hyunsuk bowed in apologies not bother to look at the person's face.

Hyunsuk took his feet to run again after bowing few times, not waiting for the other's response but his steps halted.


Hyunsuk look up at the voice. His cries got harden. He immediately hugged that person without thinking twice.


I'm sorry I'm not good at writing smut.. I don't know how to put it into words.. I'm sorry 😓

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