Author's Note

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Hello everyone!

Thank you so much for choosing this story to read. I'm currently working on rewriting this story and I'm posting chapters as I finish them. Also, the cover is a work in progress and will likely change a couple times before I find the cover that suits my story the best. 

The Woods is the first  of three: The Woods, The Sheriff's Son, and The Truth. 

I wrote these stories when I was considerably younger, about 16-years-old. It feels like a lifetime ago now, but it hasn't been that long. Back then, I had a streak of creativity that hit me and I wrote all three books, a total of about 175k words, in less than two months.

That's why these stories need a lot of TLC! Anyway, without further ado...

I hope you enjoy these stories, so please sit back, relax, and welcome to The Woods.

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