Chapter 8

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Nicole waited across the street from the police station, watching the doors. She'd seen Mason. He'd walked by the doors. He'd seen her and tipped his head. Ashton had told her to stay away from him, but he was the only one she thought might buy it.

Final check: the sheriff's car was gone. With a deep breath, she crossed the road and bounded up to the door. Mason was standing next to his desk. They were alone in the office space. His mouth twitched. "I was wondering when you'd come in to say hi."

She smiled at him as she walked over to the sheriff's desk. "I was just trying to figure out who was in here." She sat in the chair and looked at the drawers. She glanced around the room, trying to not seem suspicious, just in case she was wrong about him. After a moment her gaze settled on him, scrutinizing him.

After a moment he shifted uncomfortably. "What?"

She debated what she was going to say and then chose her words carefully. "What do you think of that boy, Ashton?"

He froze, studying her. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. I meant exactly what I asked."

He shifted again and stopped meeting her gaze. He seemed to be weighing his response. Finally he drew his eyes back to hers. "What do you think of him?"

She waved her hand dismissively. "I asked you first. Answer me and I'll answer you."

He crossed his arms. "How do I know you won't use what I say against me later?"

Ah. Catch 22. She smirked at him. "You don't. How much do you trust me? That's the question here, isn't it?" She opened the middle drawer of the desk she was at.

"You're not supposed to do that," Mason called over to her.

She glanced up. "Yet you're not stopping me." Paper littered the drawer. She sighed. This could take a while.

He was silent for so long that she looked up. He stood facing the door, his back to her. She smiled. It seemed she had found a friend. She sifted carefully through the papers and found a list. Passwords. She memorized them all – there were only five - and replaced the paper.

She pushed away and stood. "Okay," she said and he turned to face her, obviously unhappy. "So, did you decide what you think of Ashton?"

He sighed and gestured at the desk she'd come from. "He'd kill me if he found out." He stared out the front doors, chewing his lip furiously. After a long silence, he asked, "What do you think of Ashton?"

She smiled at him. "You're on Ashton's side of things?" He gave a nod. "Then just follow my lead. I'll need someone in here to help me out. You'll work. Now, tell the sheriff when he comes in that I'm going to leave him a note in his home office. I'll be back in an hour. We're going to go interview a witness."

Mason looked stunned. "Someone saw Ashton-"

She glared at him. "No. Ashton didn't kill anyone. He's innocent. This man can help us prove it. Now just do what I say. I've got a plan."

He let out a breath and looked genuinely relieved. "Okay. So you're really pulling for him?"

She rolled her eyes. "Of course." She walked out the doors, pausing only long enough to turn and say to Mason, "Good seeing you, Officer."


The doorbell echoed through the house. She held her breath, hoping someone was home. After a long moment, she rang it again. This time, Ashton's mom answered. Nicole fought letting out a breath and instead smiled at her.

She looked surprised. "Nicole! What brings you here?"

Nicole tried to make her words sound important. "I need to leave a note for your husband. He was out of the office when I dropped by, and I just feel that my note will be more secure here."

The Woods | Harvey #1Where stories live. Discover now