Chapter 12

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Ashton had fallen asleep at some point. He didn't know when. All he knew was that Mason was in the cell, prodding his shoulder to wake him up. He rubbed his eyes and looked up into the concerned face above him. "What?"

He gave him a brief smile. "Nicole's here, and your dad's stepped out."

Ashton nodded and got off the floor. His shoulder still ached, but it wasn't too bad. He sat on the bench that hung from the wall. Mason stepped out and Nicole walked into the cell. He felt his heart speed up just a little when he saw her. She sat next to him. Her eyes were puffy and red, and he felt bad for her. He reached up and touched her face.

She smiled a little, lip trembling. Her forehead was sweaty. "Are you okay?"

He smiled and kissed her cheek. "As fine as I can be, I guess. What about you? You look like you've been running or something."

"I have. I ran over here after I fought with Hailey." She frowned, glancing at the bars. "I found your computer." He swallowed. She smiled a little. "I know why you didn't hand it over. It's a good call. It's evidence, and it put me on the right track."

Something occurred to him. "You went through my things?"

She nodded. "Your bedroom and kitchen. Cops came before I could get to the living room."

That made him worry. "Wait – cops came to my house?" She nodded. He suddenly felt so dense and had a feeling of betrayal again, but this time it was because of his father. He couldn't help the small moan that came. "My dad – he's going to frame me. He's going to swap out my cleaners with ones that have hydrochloric acid."

Nicole's lips pressed together. She looked mad. More than mad. The anger building in her eyes began to scare Ashton, though he didn't let it show. "He's gonna pay," she said simply and calmly.

He grabbed both of her shoulders and rested his forehead against her hot, sweaty one. His eyes bored into hers. "Nicole," he murmured. "Don't let anger guide you. If you do, you'll make stupid choices and we'll both be in trouble. Calm down. Breathe in, breathe out." He watched as she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. When her eyes opened, the anger had subsided.

She closed her eyes again and rubbed her nose on his. "I found your letter to me."

He felt his face get warm. "It wasn't finished."

"But I loved it." Her eyes opened and looked into his. "And I love you."

"I love you." He couldn't keep himself from kissing her, so he kissed both of her cheeks and her forehead. She closed her eyes again and didn't object to his kisses. He could have done that all day, but he stopped after a couple of minutes and sighed. "I forgive you," he whispered.

She swallowed. "Thank you," she whispered back. She buried her face in his chest and stayed there. He stroked her back and her hair, holding her to him. He leaned back against the chain support for the bench, enjoying having her close, but hating where they were. He closed his eyes and tried to picture them in his house, on his sofa, under different circumstances.

It worked so well that it was the squeal of the cell door opening that brought him back to reality. She was resting so beautifully on his chest, it just about physically pained him to have to get her to leave, but Mason was standing in the doorway. He pointed to her and pointed to the office.

Ashton gently shook her. "Nicole," he said in a low voice. "Time to go, honey."

She smiled, but her eyes stayed closed. "'Honey?'"

He smiled, gently pushing her away. "Just thought I'd try it. I think it sounds better than 'babe'."

Her eyes opened. "Me too." She kissed his cheek. He returned the kiss, then she got up. She looked at Mason. "Think you could help me with something?"

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