Chapter 7

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Nicole got out of the police car when it stopped in front of the rental house. "Thank you for the ride home," she said as she got out.

"Not a problem," Clive responded. He drove off once she was inside.

Her parents heard her come in and began asking questions about dinner and the family she was with. She gave them the best answers she could without giving any information on what she was really up to, barely managing to get away. She went into her room and almost immediately wanted to turn around and leave because she'd forgotten Hailey was waiting for her.

"I was wondering when you were coming back," she commented over the top of the magazine she'd gotten in town. "He must have been an awesome guy."

Nicole couldn't even force a smile. She was too wrapped up in questions, wondering just where he'd gotten the shirt and why he hadn't ever mentioned it, and why she didn't ask the questions swirling around her head when she had the chance. Hailey kept talking, but Nicole tuned her out. She didn't want to think about going out with another guy like Hailey was probably talking about. She took a shirt and a pair of shorts out of her dresser and went to the bathroom to change.

A few minutes of privacy would do her good, she hoped. She looked at herself in the mirror, and she didn't like what she saw. The girl staring back looked like her, but there was worry and guilt etched all over her face. She turned away from her and slowly undressed, planning on taking her time.

She remembered Ash telling her the story of how he tried to save the girl. What did she think he did with the shirt? He had to have done something with it. She knew that. But keep it? She had to admit, it did seem like an act of someone guilty. But he was sentimental. Maybe he kept it because of that? That could also be an act of someone guilty. She hated thinking this way about him, but his dad had a point. Keeping the evidence made him look like he did it. But maybe he didn't know what to do with it because he was scared? That seemed like him and was a pretty innocent reason. She had to ask.


Ashton did something he hadn't done in years: he went for a night run. He dug out his reflective tape and covered his sneakers before lacing up.

It was late when he got back, but his head felt clearer, and he felt calmer. He knew he wasn't going to lose Nicole. He knew things would work out and the real killer would be found. Nicole would make it happen. She'd never let him down.

These thoughts let him fall asleep with a smile.

The next morning, he woke up at dawn. He tried to go back to sleep, but he couldn't. Maybe another run would help him. His legs were sore after last night, but he got up and went out anyway.

He ran for miles. He lost track after the third. He ran along the beach near Nicole's cottage. He came to a stop, hands on his knees. Someone was at the window. He'd been seen. Great. Unless it was Nikki, they'd probably run him off. He sighed and began slowly walking. He was worn out. Before he thought he got down and lay on the sand.

A few minutes later, something surprising happened. Mrs. Downs sat next to him on the sand and had a glass of water. He sat up quickly and she handed him the glass. "Hello, Ashton."

"Hello, Mrs. Downs." He took a sip. It tasted okay, so he took a long drink. "Thank you for the water. I was just out on a long run this morning."

She smiled. "I saw." She watched the water with him in silence for a few minutes. "My daughter is very happy with you."

He swallowed. So this was going to be a 'stay away from Nicole or else' type of talk. Great. Life just got better.

"Would you come over for dinner tonight? My husband and I would like to get to know you a little better."

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