Chapter 5

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Nicole peeked around the corner into the back. "Brandy?" she said softly, edging inside.

The soft singing stopped and a young woman with brunette hair down to her waist looked around the corner before breaking into a smile. "Nicole!" She walked over quickly, careful not to jostle the baby in her arms. "I heard you were back," she said, giving Nicole a small hug.

Nicole pulled away to look at the baby. "Yeah, I've been meaning to stop by, but things have been just a little crazy. Now, who's this?"

She beamed. "This is Trevor."

After a few minutes of gushing and a couple more of catching up, Nicole pretended to just notice her friend's nails. "Oh, Brandy, did you have Lynn do these?"

"Yes. I know it's probably silly, but I missed having them done. I'm just shocked they haven't come off yet, what with me having to take care of Trevor and all."

"Well, she does say they're guaranteed for two weeks."

Brandy nodded. "True, but I didn't think they'd actually stay like this." She shrugged and walked to the carrier, laying her baby down inside. Nicole followed her. "So, what are you doing this summer?"

How much should Nicole tell her? After a moment she settled on, "Mainly hanging out with Ashton."

She nodded, looking concerned. "How is he? I haven't seen much of him. You know, I worry about that boy. He's always been so sensitive, and now a little girl turns up dead? I can only imagine how he's taking it."

Nicole gave her a small smile. There was at least one person here that cared about him. "He's talking to Trisha. At least, he was."

"I'm going to say hi to him." Nicole followed her to the door of the stockroom. "I know there's a lot of rumors about him going around, but don't believe any of them. I know him very well – I babysat him a lot as he was growing up, and he used to hang around here a lot. He's a good guy."

Nicole nodded, smiling. Brandy was still looking at her when she opened the door, so she didn't see how Ashton jumped and turned, wiping his face. But Nicole did. She frowned when Brandy faced the rest of the store. What was wrong?

"Ashton!" Brandy called happily.

"Hi, Brandy," he responded with a smile, hugging her.

Brandy backed up and checked his face. "I was worried about you," she said after a minute. "That's hard news, isn't it?"

He swallowed. "What was?"

She shook her head. "That little girl. What, did you have other hard news?"

He shook his head quickly. "No, no – I'd just let it slip my mind. I'm trying not to think about it. That was awful to hear."

She nodded and rubbed his arm vigorously for a moment before stepping around the counter. "It was. I wanted to know how you were taking it, but you look fine." She glanced around. "Where's Trisha?"

He rubbed the back of his neck but quickly moved his hand. "She had to step out for a moment."

"Oh. Okay, then." She smiled at the two of them. "Got plans for the day?"

"Just meeting up with my friend for lunch," Nicole answered, prodding Ashton in the side. "We're on our way there right now, actually. Just stopped by to say hi and see the baby."

"Oh! Well, don't let me keep you. You go and have fun." She waved as the couple moved to the exit.

The moment the door closed behind them Nicole turned to Ashton. "I know she didn't just 'step out'. What happened? I saw you wiping your face." She looked at him, more concerned for him than for the girl.

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