Chapter 17

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Ashton was holding Ella's hand while they walked down the street towards the general store. When they walked in, his eyes sought out Trisha. He expected to feel some sort of guilt or maybe suspicion or something else, but he didn't. If he had to say how he felt, he felt normal. She turned and their eyes met. Instead of turning away or avoiding his gaze, she just smiled. Ella pulled on Ashton's hand, wanting to say hi.

He let her go and he turned down the aisles. He walked around, looking at the items on the shelves, refocusing on what he'd come here for originally. What did Nicole like that he didn't have? This was something he thought about every time he came to restock. He had stopped buying pickles because she didn't like them. It was ridiculous, he knew, but to be honest, he didn't miss them. Cottage cheese, maybe? It'd been so long since he had any he couldn't remember if he liked it or not.

Brandy appeared next to him. "Hey, Ashton."

He smiled at her. "Hey. How's Trevor?"

She grinned. "He's doing really good, thanks. He's sleeping right now." She held up a baby monitor. "What are you looking for today?"

He turned back to the fridge and shrugged. "I'm planning a surprise for Nicole, and I'm trying to find something she likes. I just can't decide what."

She looked at the case, studying their reflections. "Are you cooking?" He nodded. "She'll love that. It isn't easy to find a guy who'll cook for the girl." The statement brought color into his cheeks. "It's not a bad thing," she told him, swatting his arm and laughing. "I'm just saying! Anyway, what are you going to make? Breakfast, lunch, or dinner?"

He shrugged. "Lunch, maybe. Breakfast is too early, and dinner is too late. I mean, I want to get it all over with as early as possible."

Brandy's eyebrows rose. "Listening to you it sounds like you're proposing or something." He gave a sheepish smile and shrugged, lowering his eyes. She gently punched his arm. "Shut up!" She hugged him. "That's awesome!" She held him at arm's length. "She'll say yes, so stop worrying so much."

Ashton bit his lip, felt the pain of the cut there, and stopped. "I'm not so worried that she'll say no – it's more actually doing it that scares me."

She nodded, crossing one arm across her chest and cupping her chin with the other. "True. When my hubby proposed, he was so scared. Not that I can blame him." Ashton looked at her. He couldn't blame him, either. Brandy was pretty and that was what intimidated Bryan. He remembered the seemingly endless conversation with him the night before.

"I remember," was all he said. He gave her a small smile. "What should I do?"

She raised a delicately plucked eyebrow. "As far as the food is concerned, make her favorite thing. As far as asking her, don't make a long speech. It makes you more nervous, and us girls are fine without one."

He nodded, turning back to the case. What was her favorite? He knew a lot of things she liked, a few she really liked, but not her one favorite. Great. He sighed. Her parents would probably know. They'd probably like to see Ella, anyway.

"I'll leave you to it," Brandy said, stepping away. "I want to go see my big girl."

As she was walking back up front, it occurred to Ashton that he'd have to talk to Trisha. That hadn't gone so well last time, but he knew she deserved to know what he was going to do. And maybe for him to explain to her better than last time. He sighed. It hurt him to see her hurting. But he turned and went up front, anyway.

Trisha was leaning on the counter, her back to him. He leaned towards her and lightly tapped her shoulder with a smile. She turned and jumped. "Ash!" Her eyes darted to Ella and Brandy. She gave him a smile that was fake. "Do you need something?"

The Woods | Harvey #1Where stories live. Discover now