Chapter One: No Sense of Love

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I slid the box of bugs under my bed as I got up and began to pace the room. My girlfriend, Nancy, had told me she would be visiting today over the weekly calls the asylum allows for patients. She had sworn that she'd be here by this time, but I have yet to hear about any visitors and I was starting to get worried. I know Nancy more than anyone else I am currently aware of,  and Nancy was never late. I was starting to think something serious had happened and I was incredibly concerned. As I became growingly worried, I suddenly heard a knock echoing from my door and the creaking sound of it opening. I turned to look at my door, and standing in front of it was a middle-aged man with brown hair and a mustache. It was Dr. Seward. "Renfield," He called, "You have a visitor."

I quickly stopped, pausing for a few seconds before bolting to the door as Dr. Seward began walking. It had felt like an eternity and more since I'd last seen Nancy, and I had missed her ever so dearly.

We walked through the everlasting halls for around ten minutes before finally stopping at a rotted wooden door. I opened it to find a lifeless room, dimly lit by a singular flicking lightbulb. Sat in the middle of the room were two tan brown couches with a small coffee table sat in between the two, separating them. Sat on one of the couches was a girl, seemingly a young adult. She was highlighted from the rest of the space, her hot pink Juicy Couture tracksuit shining within the dullness. She had caramel blonde hair with waves that rippled like a stone hitting the water of a pond, her skin was like bronze and her beauty was equivalent to that of a rising sun entering the day after a disastrous storm. It was my girlfriend, Nancy.

However stunning she was, I immediately came to face a dreadful complication. No matter how much my eyes bestowed upon her beauty, I could not bring myself to feel even a quark of love. No matter how much I forced myself, no matter how hard I tried to feel something, anything for the woman I once called the love of my life, I felt nothing. Not love but not hate, nothing.

She got up and sprinted to me before tackling me into a hug and kissing me. "How have you been, Renny?" she beamed "I missed you so much!" I awkwardly shifted before replying, "I missed you too, Nancy." her expression immediately changed from one of excitement to concern, "Are you alright, Renfield? You seem on edge." she asked, worry filled her tone. "I'm alright..." I replied in quite an unconvincing tone,

"Are you sure? You don't seem alright. You can tell me if somethings wrong, Renfield. I'm your girlfriend."
"I'm fine, Nancy. There's no need to push it." I quickly hushed her once more before clumsily sitting down. She gave me a skeptical look before sitting down on the couch in front of me and quickly began ranting. It was the usual about her friends, rumors, and gossip around the town while I was gone, most of it being about her dating a 'crazed man' who had been living in the asylum for much too long now. After around forty minutes of nonstop ranting, she finally received a phone call and got up to go, giving me another kiss before saying goodbye and walking out the door

I sighed and held my head in my hands as Dr. Seward called to get me back to my dorm. I quickly got up and followed him back, closing the door behind me as I entered and quickly turning off my lights.

I opened the window and layed in my bed, tossing and turning as I tried to fall asleep to no avail. I sat and stared at the ceiling, wondering if he'd show up today. His visits were not regular, and most definitely not frequent. The last time he appeared was around a month ago, maybe more. In all honesty, I did not think he would visit today. He only does if he needs something, which I usually get warnings too beforehand. His plan, that I had been helping him with, has seemed to be going well and should be in full action in a month or so. I hadn't told anyone about him in order to keep his plan a secret, for if anyone heard of it, it would be much harder to go through with it.

I continued to stare up and think endlessly, not even slightly tired, before feeling a gust of wind followed by the sound of shoes landing onto the floor from my window. It was him. He was here. 'Has something gone wrong?' I thought to myself, 'Why didn't I get a notice before the visit?'. But there was no time for that as I had to quickly get up and fix myself. Standing before me was a middle-aged man, seemingly forty years old. He had dark slicked back hair and snow white skin, he looked sickly and fatigued. It was him. It was Dracula...

 It was Dracula

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"Hello, Renfield." he spoke to me, his tone monotonous, "How have you been recently?"

"I've been good, sir." I replied almost immediately,

 "I heard your conversation with your girlfriend earlier, Nancy, is it?" he said, 

"Yes it is, why do you ask?" I responded,

"You seem rather unhappy with her." he spoke, 

"Ah, I appreciate your concern, truly, but there is no issue with me and Nancy's relationship currently." I lied,

"There is no need to worry.".

 His expression grew stern as he looked at me "I do not believe you are being honest with yourself. Renfield. I must choose to resolve this issue with my own hands."

He spoke and at once I knew what he meant. He was going to kill Nancy. In that very moment, it felt as though all the love for Nancy I had struggled to feel before came back to me in an instant. 

"No, no, I assure you there is no need for that, me and Nancy are perfectly fine." I said in an obviously panicked tone, 

"I do not believe you, Renfield. Now, please excuse me as I have business to attend to." he said before turning and flying out the window.

I quickly turned to my door and sprinted out of the room, running the halls in search of Dr, Seward. 

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