Chapter Three: Dynamics of Vampires

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Mina sprinted down the street, crestfallen into Jonathan's words, hoping that when she gets to Nancy, she'll believe her, unlike Lucy, Jonathan and all of those fakes.

About thirty minutes passed and Mina reached her destination. She walked onto Nancy's porch, It was full of green bushes, with beautiful hot pink roses on the bushes, along a tint of baby pink on the ends of the roses.

Before she entered her house, she rang the golden bell on the right side of the door back and forth until Nancy opened the door gently. Nancy was wearing pink juicy couture tracksuit with a matching juicy couture bag, looking like she was heading outside.

"Why are you here?" Nancy questioned her appearance , Mina replied with "I want to inform you about Renfield" Nancy's face lit up, and her heavenly magnificent blue eyes shone bright replicating a clear blue ocean hit by the rising sun. Nancy was fascinated with the topic, and with her charming tone, she greeted Mina inside her house. Mina looked at her face, noticing the change in her mood after she brought up Renfield, she couldn't handle seeing Nancy enticed with news about Renfield, when it isn't something good. Her heart shattered as she took a step inside Nancy's house.

The two girls sat in the living room on Nancy's hot pink chesterfield-designed couch, Nancy was concerned about Mina's ill and sweaty face, hoping Renfield is at welfare. Mina stuttered prior to speaking. Shaking and quacking, she finally calmed her self down before speaking to Nancy anxiously.

"So, I was walking on the streets, My day was pretty peaceful and almost perfect, It was such an auspicious morning. On my way, I met with your boyfriend, Renfield, he looked amnesic. I was confused why, but he was in a hurry, and he tried to cross the road without looking, I attempted to stop him, but it was too late, and Renfield got hit by a silver car, and the driver didn't even try to help, he just drove away, like nothing happened..." She sounded apprehensive.

Before Mina got to finish, Nancy's eyes widened, and Mina could tell that she was horrified by her expressions. Aghast from the news, Nancy immediately asked about his health, wether he was okay, or not.

Mina looked down and sighed in dishearten, her voice cracked as she said, "I'm uncertain about it, I tried to take him to any hospital near, moreover, on my way, I saw Lucy. She accused me of vehicular manslaughter and blamed his current health on me, I wasn't able to explain anything to her, as she hushed me and told me to bring him to a hospital nearby, I didn't want to talk back, I just wanted to help your boyfriend. While we where sitting on a dark wooden oak bench next to his room, Lucy called Dr. Seward from the downstairs reception telephone. He came and watched Renfield as I left the hospital." she could hardly breathe after saying all of that, and she starting tearing up, hoping Nancy would believe her.

Nancy felt sorry for her, and as an act of kindness, she got her a clear glass of water just to calm her down. Nancy wasn't sure about what she really wanted to do now, to check on Renfield, or to help Mina. She suggested that Mina check on Renfield without anyone, not even Lucy or Seward noticing that she was inside the hospital.

"If Renfield wakes up, they'd probably question his situation that they're unsure of. They'll believe him, he can't lie. I know Renfield, he doesn't have the heart, neither guts to lie." Nancy tried to comfort Mina as she wiped her tears by swiping her right hand over her eyes, and replied "You're right, I just hope he's okay." Nancy convinced Mina to check on Renfield once again.

They got out of Nancy's house and the two girls headed to the hospital by Mina's directions, since she's the only one out of the two, that knows the hospital's location.

As the sun went down, the moon was clearly seen. It was finally Dracula's time to punish Nancy for not letting him have Renfield all for himself. He would sneak behind any nearby tree every time a human passed by. Getting closer and closer to Nancy's house, his smirk grew and grew, and he was ready to go berserk and pay back every minute Nancy dated and dragged Renfield away from him.

He finally stopped in front of Nancy's house, ready to attack her. He jumped, and then started flying all the way to Nancy's third floor's only French window, he had to get through her balcony first. He stood on the edge of the balcony, then climbed Nancy's pink railing, and jumped over it.

He smashed the base of the window with his fist, then smashed the glass again with him swinging his left leg across the latitude of the window. He stepped inside her house, just to see no one, "HUH?! WHERE IS THAT IMMATURE SLUT?" He questions, his voice filled with anger and rage. as he started looking for Nancy all around the house, but did he manage to find her? Well the answer is no!

What bad luck Dracula possesses. Enraged and indignant, he couldn't take it anymore. He lost control, he started smashing every decoration, furniture, even the walls as he created holes in them.

He smashed one of the downstairs window, and then, he is met with Nancy's neighbors, questioning all that rage. He noticed that one of the neighbors saw how Dracula is responsible for the mess through the window he smashed. He threw a piece of Nancy's furniture at the window, and from there, he jumped outside and started attacking them. He scratched one of the neighbor's cheek, then, he moved his entire hand, reaching the neighbor's mouth, afterwards, biting him aggressively, turning him pale as garlic. Blood dropped from his mouth, all the way to the ground as his pupils vanished. Furthermore, he started growing fangs.

As he held the new vampires shoulders, he giggled, "How pathetic you humans are, and forever will be."

"He manipulated that vampire into killing the others with his special technique!" A young man informed the town, by his loud and annoying pitch.

As the new vampire turned his head, he seemed clueless, low-key dumb, he didn't seem to make a move, just standing there open-mouthed.

Dracula gave him a strong push on the back, as the new vampire scratched the neighbor, dropping blood, onto the vampires, nose, then to his lips.

Dracula seemed pleased with the scene 'Not much of what I was aiming for.' His thoughts wander about the situation. The new vampire didn't seem satisfied with the blood that fell into his mouth.

"Ehh?" he says in a low voice.

"Ey son! I see you not satisfied, I'll tell you this, They vary in blood types! You're gonna like it! And you're gonna get used to it fam! So go on and live, laugh and love!" Dracula explains.

The neighbors just stood there, "That's a really shitty way to gaslight someone." One of the neighbors boo'ed.

The new vampire looked back, as anger fueled this man's body due to the people disrespecting Dracula, and suddenly he starts to attack everyone viciously.

This caught the towns attention, and eventually, the vampire roamed it in just a night. Leaving Dracula to go back to his castle and rest.

By the morning, the vampire is burnt by the sun, as he rarely knew a vampire's role, and what to do, avoid, and aim at. Leaving the town relieved, yet needing loads of renewing and fixing.

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