Chapter Two: Retributive Justice

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*Renfield's POV*

My intention was to stop Dracula from attacking my girlfriend, but that would be on a laborious level of difficulty. As I was hoping for a miracle to happen as I convince my girlfriend to leave this country.

I aimed for the middle of the door. As I smacked the door with my elbow, leading it to open.

I ran in the direction Dr. Seward was heading, as I saw him walk in the hallways of the asylum, Dr. Seward looked at me astonishingly. Before I could even let out a word, he tried to shout:

"Go back to y-", I hushed him by placing one of my fingers on his lips before responding with, "That's not important now, doctor. I need your help in full demands. My girlfriend is in danger, Dracula is after her and is going to hurt her, if he gets to her, I need you to help me convince Nancy to move out somewhere, for her own safety, I can't let Dracula kill her." His expression symbols an agreement between us, and I immediately understand that he is willing to fulfill my request in helping save Nancy. I nodded my head, meaning that I got it. He told me to wait till tomorrow to check on Nancy. He explained his reasoning to me, telling me that it was safer, and Dracula wouldn't attack her in the same night, because he knows I'll try to stop him from what he's trying to do. I agreed with him.

I decided to wait outside of the asylum, hoping no one would see me, as I sneaked out, then sat right next to the door, as i rolled back and forth on the outside wall waiting for sun to shine.

A few minutes passed and I decided to lay my head on the walls and at least try to sleep.

The night passed and the sun rose, I stood up from the ground and I was ready to check on Nancy. I sprinted on the sidewalks of the street and I rushed to Nancy's house.

A few minutes passed, and I almost reached Nancy's house. I was extremely stressed, and wasn't so focused, as I only thought of Nancy and her safety, it's like the spark between us sparked again, prior to no sense of love.

I didn't look back before crossing the streets, the last thing I saw was the rusty old ground. My vision blacked out and I felt senseless.

*Third-person POV*

Renfield's careless actions led to a car accident, the only witness being Mina. She was flabbergasted at the sight, mouth opened wide with shock and horror. As quick as she could, she ran closer to him and tried to pick him up, but his mass was far too much for her strength. She cried out for help, but the streets were empty after the car ran over him. From a mile away she saw the car that crashed into him, trembling over him, she dragged him instead.

She kept shouting and asking for help but the streets where empty, as she dragged Renfield's body, her face sweating, shows that she was exhausted from dragging Renfield.

After minutes and minutes of walking, there was still no hospital or emergency room in sight. Mina felt absolutely hopeless as she continued dragging Renfield's unconscious body, feeling as though she was nearly going to faint from exhaustion. There was no hope, all she could do is just keep dragging in misery as his head bumped against the rough ground, making a hitting sound.

All of a sudden. she saw the exact same car that ran over Renfield pass by. She turned her head look straight into his blood-red eyes, she thought to herself "He looks exactly like how Jonathan specified and described Dracula to me, but that's impossible, did he conquer his weakness to sunlight? Or does it just look like him?" she was uncertain about his looks, but still knew that what he did was most surely somehow related to a vampire's actions.

She shouted "Hey! You!" the man raised his hand and pointed to himself in a way of questioning, she responded "Yeah, you! Aren't you gonna help me? Or just gonna sit there in you car watching me suffer over your stupidity and irresponsible actions?", She got closer and closer, marking Renfield's blood all over the streets, and asked "Can you at the very least drive us to nearest hospital?" The man looked at hear head, then to her feet, then he spat at her and drove away yelling, " You have a big ego woman!" his voice was deep and croaky. Mina was disturbed by his cryptic and eerie voice.

She collapsed to the ground and started sobbing , her eyes full of sorrow and despondency, shouting as her head dropped to the ground, "Why! Why! Why does this always happen to me!!!! Ugh-ah-uhhhh!!!"

While Mina was going through a crisis, she heard the familiar voice of a woman behind her saying, "Mina!? Did you do this!? How could you!?" her tone went from horrified to gloomy. Mina tilted her head and turned to the right, her eyes shined as she spoke in a very low and cranky voice "L-Lucy? No! I didn't do this, I swear! I was trying to help him!" Lucy was astonished "Excuses, excuses! This isn't the time for your obvious lies! Your responsible for the death of an innocent man! Mina, I saw you as my friend, even the best of all my friends, I wanted to be as kind and as independent as you! You're really fake! Just wait, you could never get away with this!" Lucy spoke as she ran closer to the pair before snatching Renfield's unconscious body. "Help me carry him or else I'll call the cops!" she yelled. Mina looked at Lucy, then at Renfield before standing up, grabbing Renfield from the top of his head with Lucy holding him by his legs.

After about twenty minutes of walking, they found a hospital. It was old and corroded, with windows full of rust and hard material. There was no elevator, only stairs. But they were still willing to go there, as it was the best choice for their current situation. After walking inside the hospital, the receptionist immediately helped the two girls take Renfield to a room.

However, there were no available rooms on the first floor, meaning they'd have to go climb more stairs. As Lucy and the receptionist attempted to force the body up the stairs, Lucy accidentally tripped, causing a domino effect, in where she dropped the body, causing the receptionist to slip and drop the unconscious man as well, leading to him tumbling down three flights of stairs they had already climbed up.

Mina gasped in shock. "OH, GREAT HEAVENS!" Lucy yelled, as she held onto the railing, then running down the three flights to go help him. She grabbed him by his shoulders in an attempt to drag him up once more, but failed as her Russian red heel broke, hitting him in the eye. "Good lord, just let me do it!" Mina scolded as she began to roll him up the stairs, his body laying down diagonally, accidentally hitting the left side of his waist in the process.

As they near the second floor, Mina mistakenly let go of his body, making him tumble down the flights of stairs again, this time hitting his head and neck on each individual stair. Once reaching the bottom, his stomach regurgitated the food he ate prior, leaving vomit all over his shirt, and more surprisingly, live flies flying out of his mouth.

At this point, the trio had become so fed up with the situation that they decided to throw him up multiple stairs at a time until they reached the second floor.

The doctors tried to help Renfield as Lucy and Mina sat on a wooden bench next to the room Renfield was kept in. Lucy didn't feel comfortable with Mina, who she still thought was a murderer, so she called Dr. Seward and told him everything from her perspective.

As Dr. Seward walked up the stairs to Renfield's room, he looked at Mina in disgrace and quoted "I didn't expect a situation like this to come out of your actions." Mina was surprised, she started tearing up and ran away to the stairs, but fell down mid-way through, losing a heel like Cinderella. She got up very fast, and although everyone was staring at her in shock. Mina didn't care one bit. She just wanted to run away from this nightmare.

While she was running, Jonathan, her spouse, spotted her and stopped her, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Mina? Are you alright? What happened?" he asked, she hid her head in her hands and yelled "Does it look like I'm alright, Jonathan!? Renfield got ran over and everyone thinks I did it! I just wanted to help, and ended up being framed for vehicular manslaughter!!!!" Jonathan got closer  and looked her in the in the eyes "Calm your enormous tits down, Mina"

".....What?" Mina replied in shock at his statement.

"Veg-out, woman. Don't be such a drama queen. Have some self respect."

 Mina went furious, she got closer to Jonathan and threatened "You don't speak to me like that! Respect yourself first, you man-whore!", she spat on him and slapped him so hard, there was a red handprint that left on his cheek. She walked away furiously while Jonathan stayed still for a few minutes rethinking about his actions and behavior with Mina. 

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