Chapter Five: Equidistant Relations

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Nancy's POV:

I quickly ran out of the room and skedaddled to Dr. Seward, who had been discussing with Lucy. "LISTEN HERE BITCHES!!!" I yelled, trying to catch their attention. "Listen here, hoe. You can imagine anything you want, but my girl Mina didn't run my man over, and god forbid if I knew, you would be the last one angry." I snapped at Lucy, resulting in her giving me a deathly glare. "What do you know, Nancy? You weren't even there." She snarked, this bitch was getting cocky with me. 

"As if your assumptions conclude anything about the situation!" I snapped back.

"Oh, as if you actually care about him! We all know you're a gold digger, Nancy!"

"If I'm a gold digger, then you can choose one of your three ugly shits to marry!"

Lucy gasped and reached to tackle me before Dr. Seward came in between us, trying to stop a fight from happening. But, before he could say anything, we heard Renfield scream.


We all stopped and I ran to his room to his room immediately. Dr. Seward, Mina, and Lucy followed suit, but I blocked them from entering, requesting that they'd stay outside.

I hurriedly entered and closed the door. "What's wrong!?" I yelled, "Are you okay?!"

"NANCY, PLEASE LISTEN!" I walked closer to his hospital bed, now intent on listening  to whatever he has to say.

He grabbed my hand and entreated me, "Nancy please sit down and listen to me without leaving!" I sighed, "Fine. What is it?" He looked at me with a pleading glimmer in his eyes, as if still begging me to listen. "It's about Dracula-" I pulled away at this immediately.

"If it's about Dracula I don't want to hear it. You need to rest, Renfield."


"Renfield, when you heal, tell me whatever you want. But for now, just rest!" I scolded him as I headed to Mina and Lucy sitting along with Dr. Seward. I heard him gasp defensively as I walked out the door.

"MISS NANCY FANCY HILTON!!" he called me once again, but this time by my government name. I stopped, turned around and glared at him. "Excuse me? Who are you to call me that!?" 

 "Nancy, please just listen. It's really importan-"

"Ugh!" I huffed and turned back to the hallway, walking away from the room again.

I stood outside, waiting for a public horse bus to roll around so I could finally return back home and rest after this exhausting day. I didn't really think much of what Renfield had tried to say. He already experiences psychotic episodes and delusions, I wouldn't be surprised if it's worsened after being hit by a car and possible brain trauma. He's more delirious than the usual now.

As I waited, I took out a small lipstick tube I carry in my hot pink juicy couture purse. I looked at the reflection of the metal lipstick tube in attempts to make it easier to apply the the hot pink lipstick coat gently. I am met with the the silhouette of a man standing right behind me. But that can't be Dracula? Or can it?

Renfields pov:

"Agh, I can't believe she'd to that to me!" I screamed as I punched the wall and heard a crack. "OW, FUCK!"

I sat on my hospital bed holding my hand in pain, rethinking everything that's ever happened.


I was on my way to the train station, holding a newspaper. It had been my sole form of entertainment throughout my trip to London and I had already taken two out of three trains I needed to ride to reach my destination so far.

I scanned the newspaper in my hand, trying to find something interesting to read or do on it that I hadn't already finished. It seemed as though I'd already solved every puzzle except for one.

I folded my newspaper, deciding to solve it later so I could buy my ticket from the ticket stand.

After earning the ticket and taking a seat on the train, I looked to my right to see a funky man dressed in a hot pink suit, covering his head and eyes with a hat. He looked to be middle aged with slicked back black hair and skin so pale it was almost white. His clothing choice was strange, especially for someone of his age. But, I did not feel as one to judge, so I simply ignored the oddity.

 He looked back at me with a smirk before complementing me. I thanked him for the complement and continued to solve the last puzzle on my newspaper, as if nothing happened. It was an odd one. A cross-word puzzle, but none of the words made any sense. They had no correlation to one another, or to anything newspaper at all. 

No one except for me and him were riding this train as it was a late night ride.

A few minutes passed, and he striked up a conversation once more. It was nothing but small talk, asking me why I was riding the train and where i was going, where i work, et cetera. 

That was before i looked back down to my newspaper, hoping to continue the odd crossword puzzle i had started earlier.

However, when I looked back up again, he was gone. I searched the train for any sight of him to no avail. It hadn't stopped since i had boarded, and it was decently spacious. So, it very well could've been that he had simply decided to move seats. 

I shrugged it off before continuing to my puzzle, until i felt a sharp pain in my back. I tried to move to see what it was, but i couldn't. It was as though i had been paralyzed. I fell sideways onto the seat before my vision fully blacked out.


I looked up at the hospital room ceiling as tears stung my eyes, thinking about what could've been if I hadn't had that conversation, or if i didn't board that train at all. 

I suddenly remembered Dracula's plan to go after Nancy, and began screaming her name again, hoping for her to come back and listen this time. I would've ran after her if i could, but my legs were broken from the accident. 

I had realized that I'd been sobbing now and wiped my tears, snorting back up my snot before lying down as i slowly fell asleep.

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