Chapter Six: Locking in

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Nancy's POV:

I stopped applying my lipstick as I stared at the figure in the reflection of the bronze lipstick tube. As I turned to face it, I was met with a lanky man wearing a basic suit and holding a stack of papers with an agitated expression on his face.

"Johnathan?" I called, surprised, "Hi." he responded, "I was looking for Mina. Have you seen her anywhere?"

"Why do you need Mina?"

"We're getting a divorce."

I paused for a moment, shocked at his bluntness and silently gasped, "Why??" I asked, "We haven't been the best so far, and today we had an argument that really took the last straw for her. I think she's being over dramatic, but it doesn't matter. I also realized that I low-key high-key have never been in love with her throughout our relationship."

"So you're going through this whole legal process that could take months all because of a single argument?" I asked.

In a blink of an eye, he started acting up.

"No, you big tit bitch. Did you hear nothing I just said? I used to think that whole stereotype of blondes being dumb was false, but I guess I was wrong. I said we have been rocky recently. Do you know what that means or are you too idiotic to decipher a metaphor? It means that we haven't been too happy with each other and have had many arguments because of that. The one we had today was just the breaking point. I also said that I realized I had never been in love with her throughout our relationship. Or is that too much to process? Do you lack the skills to stay focused for longer than a single nanosecond?" He responded.

"Who do you think you are with you're lanky ass self? You know, maybe the reason your relationship has been 'rocky' is because you keep causing problems. Or is that too much for your egotistical brain to handle? And to admit that you never loved her is crazy. Why'd you marry her, then? Was it just for those family riches? I wouldn't be surprised if it was, in fact I'm sure you've already got ten sugar daddies and mommies on the line ready to spend all their money on you in an instant. I may have a short attention span, but at least I'm not a slut gold-digger. I know for a fact you'd get on your knees the second a twenty dollar bill is pulled out. You'd probably take it up the ass if it meant you'd get a penny out of it. I wouldn't be surprised if you already did. I'd even bet you were married when it happened. Are you seriously that desperate for money? It's kind of pathetic, don't you think? Maybe the reason why that relationship didn't work is because of the ungodly amount of STDs you've contracted over the years. Did she have to schedule a doctor's appointment every time you guys wanted to have sex? Or did you never have sexual intercourse? I wouldn't want to either if I was her."

He stared at me with shock, completely silent before finally asking, "Can you please just tell me where she is?" I pointed to the hospital door, "In there, waiting outside room 222 on floor three." I watched him stumble away into the hospital before turning around to find a horse bus stopped in front of me. I paid the driver and entered the carriage, placing my lipstick in my purse.

I watched the city from a window as the drive went on. The nearest stop would be almost right outside my house, but it would take around thirty minutes. The carriage was packed and smelt horrible, like a mixture of sweaty old people who are stuck playing bingo all day in a cheap government-funded retirement home and a dead camel carcass being torn a part by seven vultures in the Sahara desert. I was exhausted after the whole shenanigan with Renfield and I just wanted to rest. I tried to find anything to take my mind off the horrid, outrageous smell.

After around fifteen minutes, the bus stopped at a place somewhat near my house, and I decided that would be my stop. I could have waited another ten minutes in the carriage and arrive much closer to my house, saving myself from the extra forty minute walk, but the smell was so unbearable I couldn't stand sitting there for another millisecond.

I began walking to my house, thinking about all that happened today. I must admit I was curious about what Renfield had to say to me, but he was hurt and no doubt delirious. He already experiences horrible delusions on normal days when he's completely healthy, let alone when he's broken multiple bones and experiencing blood loss.

It felt like an eternity squared before I finally reached my house. I was incredibly excited to finally get home and sleep for however long I want, until I saw the reck that was now my house.

The windows were broken and the flowers had been stepped on, smushing them beyond repair. I slowly and cautiously entered my house to find it in even more disarray than the garden. Furniture had been broken and thrown around, my beautiful curtains were torn to shreds, and the whole house looked like a storm of rabid animals had raided it and destroyed everything in their path.

I immediately ran to my room to find it in a complete disarray. The closet was broken on the floor, my clothes scattered all over the floor. "WHAT HAPPENED???????????????" I yelled out to myself, running to go clean it up before stopping. On the floor was a crumpled up piece of a paper, and tiny pieces of glass from the vase shattered around it. I was in complete disbelief "WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME??? GOD GOD G-GOD!!!!! I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL MYSELF!!!" I screamed in the silence of my room and picked up the paper frantically.

On it was written a letter:

"My dearest, Nancy

Please read this all the way through. This letter is about a vey urgent matter.

For some reason Dracula is mad at you and he wants to kill you. He'll probably try to come to you house, he's looking for you. Also he has your address. I don't know how he got it but he has your address. Anyway, you should probably pack and leave the country before he kills you. I already have a dead family, I don't want a dead girlfriend as well so please be considerate of my feelings and leave before he kills you because I really don't want you to die because I care about you so please get out of the country before he finds you and kills you please please please please please.

Lots of love,


I gasped and shoved the paper in my pocket. How did it reach here? Did he get hit on the way back or on the way to? I guess that's what he wanted to talk to me about. I grabbed the nearest bag, one of Renfield's ugly ass sad beige mom duffle bags, and began shoving all of my wood and glass covered clothes, not even caring to fold them. It's probably why everything was broken as well. 

I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and began writing a note:

"off to the ottoman please don't be worried."

My hand writing was messy and my grammar was off, but that wasn't any of my concern at the moment. There was a safe of my and Renfield's life savings under our bed that we put together when we first started dating and haven't used yet. I prayed to every possible god in that moment it contained enough money for at least a ticket for a public boat. I bent over and pulled it out, quickly putting in the numbers 18658. Inside was exactly 5 dollars and 72 cents, which was enough for a ticket.

I sighed in relief and grabbed the money, shoving it in my purse before grabbing the ugly, depressing duffle bag and sprinting out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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