Chapter Four: Contentiously Belligerent

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Nancy burst through the hospital doors, running up to the receptionist with Mina following shortly after, "Where is he?" she asked, concern filling her voice.

"Where is who?" the receptionist asks.

"We're here to see Raeford Morton Renfield," Mina replied, "I'm his friend, this is his girlfriend." she points her finger at Nancy.

The woman typed something onto the keyboard before asking, "Are you related to him in any way?"

"No, like I just said, I'm just his friend, and I'm here with his girlfriend."

"Then I'm sorry, but I can't let you see him."

"What!?" Nancy exclaimed.

"I said I can't let you see him. Only close family members, fiancés, or spouses are allowed in the room for the time being." said the woman.

"What do you mean!? I'm his girlfriend, I have to see him! He doesn't even talk to his family anymore!!" Nancy yelled.

"Are you engaged or married?"

Nancy paused, clearly planning something before speaking. "Yes! Yes, he proposed! Two weeks ago!" She lied.

"Is there any proof of this engagement? I don't see a ring on your finger."

"I was there." said Mina, "There's no photos. He doesn't have money for a camera or a ring. He's saving up, though. That's what he told me." her tone was awfully convincing, enough so that the receptionist believed her.

"Alright then, follow me. I'll show you to his room."

Nancy followed the receptionist up to the third floor and opened the door to his room, room 306.

Nancy is met with Renfield lying on a bed, covered in bandages, and seemingly passed out while Mina waits on a dark oak wood bench in front of Lucy, who was glaring daggers into her eyes.

"Why are you here?" she said abruptly, "Aren't you the one who ran him over? You ought to be waiting in the police station!" she continued, her tone cocky, "I didn't even do it. Why are you so persistent?"

"Because you did! I literally saw you leave the car!"

"Where was the car, then? Where did I park it?"

Lucy glared at her, still insisting that it wasn't her who ran over Renfield, "You won't get away with this, Mina. It'd be the best for all of us if you'd just admit it. You know that it'll be over for you once Renfield wakes up." She says as she gets up from the bench before turning and walking away, her coat slung over her arm.

Mina felt a sense of relief as she noticed Lucy's reliance on Renfield. Sooner or later, she's going to know.

Nancy looked down at Renfield's bandaged body, her mind completely blank with shock. As she sat down, all she did was stare. Not a word left her lips. Not one movement came from her body. She only stared, unknowing of what else to do.

Rivers of tears flow down her cheeks as she begins sobbing in her grief. He was all she had left. All she could hold on to, all she loved. Why did it have to be her? Why?

Nancy's words are tied to her tongue as she paces around the room, her heart heavy. She pauses stares at the foot of Renfield's hospital bed, wishing for something good to happen.

As she grabs a seat in the corner of the room, dragging it next to Renfield's bed, and sits down, head in her hands, she hears something shift in front of her on Renfield's bed.

"Nancy...?" She heard a weakened voice ask, "Are you there...? It's blurry."

"Renfield? Are you awake?"


"Are you alright!? What happened!? Who ran you over!?" She cried, concern and worry the only things present in her tone, "I'm fine, Nancy... I don't know who ran me over....Though I saw Mina right before the incident, got me thinking if she's the one who helped me get here."

"Mina helped you? Was she in the car!?"

"No, i don't think so... I saw her walking, I'm pretty sure."

"So she didn't run you over?"

"No? Why do you ask? Did you think she ran me over?"

"Yeah. Well, not me. Lucy and Dr. Seward and those people."

".....Why?" He asked, confused as to why they thought the person who helped me actually hurt him.

"Lucy said she saw her leave the car or something." She responds nonchalantly.

"Oh." He said, feeling how awkward the conversation had gotten before trying to speak again, planning to inform her on Dracula's plan, "Well, forget that. You should probably -"

The sounds of Mina and Lucy arguing were loud enough to reach the room. This caught Nancy's attention.

"I gotta go." she informs. Standing up.

"Wait, this is really important!"  Renfield trying to continue.

"Bye Renny, see you tomorrow!" she says, leaning down to kiss Renfield before leaving through the door.

He sat there in silence, feeling stuck in his thoughts.

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