Followed (Jonatello)

699 10 16

Idea by : @horcam26

I'm sorry this took so long and is pretty short, I've been busy testing at school as well as some personal issues regarding my mental health

Trigger Warnings : None


Donatello groaned, running his hands down his face. It had been five weeks since April admitted that she had simply been messing with Donnie's emotions for her own entertainment. Her own, selfish, twisted entertainment. He couldn't believe it. He truly thought the feelings had been mutual this whole time. Now, he was broken. An empty shell of himself, if you will.

He let his head fall, harshly hitting his work table, as he let out a strangled sob. Donnie hadn't left his lab since he had been informed. He only opened the door, when Splinter forced him to, giving him a plate of whatever Michaelangelo had made that day. He needed to eat after all. Yet he hardly ate. Half of the time, the next morning, one of the brothers would see a still full, and cold, plate of food outside of the genius's door.

Donnie stood, grabbing his bo staff and stretching his arms. He let out a quiet grumble, as he walked out of the lab for the first time in weeks. It was around the middle of the night, so he expected no one to be awake other than him. And, as usual, he was correct. He was a genius after all. The turtle started up the coffee machine, the hum calming his nerves. As he waited, he put on his knee and elbow pads, as well as his usual purple mask.

Once the rather small machine finished, it beeped softly. Donatello grunted at this, pouring himself a cup, in his usual mug. Not even bothering to put any sweetener or cream in the drink, he chugged the hot liquid.

Nothing like a hot cup of coffee to keep you awake.


The ninja stood at the edge of a roof, looking down at the city. It was rather busy at night time. But alas, that is New York City for you. He watched the streets, looking for nothing particular. He really just needed some fresh air. Yet something, or rather someone caught his attention. He tilted his head and stood, quickly following the figure from the rooftops.

Casey Jones.

He could recognize that stupid mask anywhere. He sighed softly. When April had told the truth, she had gathered the two boys together, rejecting them both at the same time. Both in a harsh way. So, needless to say, he shouldn't hate Casey anymore. The only real reason they fought so much was because they both liked April. But now that she was out of the way, he couldn't help but notice the small things about the hockey player.

How he messed with the lengths of his jacket strings. How he walked. How he-

"Yo, Dee!"

The turtle was snapped out of his odd daydream when he heard his name being called. "Huh-?" He looked down into the alley, where Casey stood, arms crossed.

How he stood.

"You going to stop spyin' on me and come down here, or what?" He questioned, watching as Donnie jumped down, using the fire escape. "Sorry-!" Donnie yelped as he landed, scratching the back of his neck, a sheepish look on his face. "I just- Was patrolling when I saw you- And I thought maybe you were in the middle of a fight so I thought I should try to help-" The terrapin rambled, losing Casey's focus.

"Okay- Shut up." Casey rolled his eyes. "I'm not stupid. You were following me."

"I-I wasn't-!"

"Look." Casey sighed. "Is this because of Red? She told you she ain't into me either. Okay? So let it go. She doesn't like us. End of story."

"Wait-" Donnie shook his head. "It's not that- Okay well it is kind of that.." He sighed softly, looking down and messing with his hands. "I was just... April hasn't come back to the lair since, you know.. And my brothers clearly don't feel like hanging out, so..."

Casey raised an eyebrow at Donatello. "You want to hang out? With me?" He questioned, before bursting into laughter, patting Donnie on the shoulder as he did so. "Hah-! That-s- That's a good one!" He chuckled.

Donnie only frowned at this, crossing his arms. "I'm being serious, Jones. Do you want to hang out or what?"

"Oh-" Casey's eyes widened in shock. "Uh-... I mean I don't have anything else to do- So why not?"


Months passed, and while April did eventually begin hanging out back in the lair with the turtles and training with Splinter, she couldn't help but despise how close the old enemies were. It just didn't stick right with her. Now don't get her wrong! She had nothing against gay people. Or gay turtles- But still. She didn't like this.

Casey was the one to admit his feelings first. And it wasn't like Donnie was exactly trying to hide how he felt. He had basically been obsessed with Casey these past few months.


-End Notes-

I don't know how to end this, I'm sorry. Hopefully the other chapters will be better. If you have any recommendations on ideas, please let me know, and for the love of everything, if you have any recommendations on how to better portray the characters, I would love to know.

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