Skating (Jonatello)

586 8 1

Idea by : @horcam26

Trigger Warnings : None


Casey Jones rushed towards the old rink, dragging a certain mutated turtle behind himself. "I can't believe it!" He ranted as he made it inside. The building was in good condition, yet no one else was currently there. It was silent other than the two boys.

"How could you?!" Jones groaned as he shoved on his roller blades, before handing a pair to his boyfriend.

Donnie looked down at the skates with hesitance. "I-.." He began, before sighing. "Are you sure this is a good idea, Case?" The mutant questioned as he sat down, carefully putting on the roller blades. "I've never even roller skated before!" He protested, resulting in an eye roll from the shorter teen.

"That's your problem, Dee. You need to start in order to get good!"

"The correct term is 'get better'. Not get 'good'"

"Whatever" Casey huffed as he grabbed two hockey sticks from his duffle bag, as well as helmets and a puck. He had wanted for so long for Donnie to watch him play. And now, he would not only watch, but he would play as well. Or he would at least try.

"I suppose so.." Donatello sighed softly and stood, almost falling instantly, quickly catching himself on the rink's edge. Casey looked over, and burst out in laughter at his boyfriend.

"It's not funny!" Don glared, trying to stand to the best of his abilities.

"Oh it definitely is!" Casey laughed and skated over with ease, holding out his hand, to which Donnie took without hesitation. "Fret not, mi amor, for I shall teach you!" He grinned goofily. Donnie couldn't help the soft blush that crept up onto his face, before he shook his head. "Oh, shut up, Jones." He huffed.


They moved to the middle of the rink, the turtle struggling to maintain his balance. And Donnie wasn't sure he could fully depend on his boyfriend to keep him up. Don't get him wrong, he loved Casey. But come on. The boy was full of tricks and pranks.

"Are you sure about this-?" Donnie asked nervously. "Of course! Just relax, and focus on staying balanced. You're a ninja after all. Should be easy." The human shrugged his shoulders as he did a quick lap around the rink.


It took a few hours, but Donatello could finally stand on his own. For the most part. Now all he needed to do was move. And Casey had an idea on just how to make him do so. He grabbed the turtle's hand, and pulled him close to himself, grinning up at Donnie.

"Wha- Casey!" Donatello shrieked as he was pulled over. He stumbled, almost making the two fall flat on the floor. "What was that for?!" He questioned, only to be pulled once again, this time much slower, as the two skated.


Jonatello/Rasey One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now