beautiful chica : Kenny x stripper!reader (I had to)

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Kenny's pov

I was able to get my friends down to this strip club. "kinny why did you bring us here." cartman says pissed off. "because she works here." "who is she?"Stan asks as I lead them to a table. we all sit down. she walks on the stage and starts to sing a beautiful song. "you are beautiful, no matter what they say. words cant bring you down." "who is that girl?" Kyle asks. "she is called Shananay." (hope you got my Shane Dawson reference) when the song ends she walks over to us. "hi Kenny." she says as she sits on the table. "hello Shananay~" she giggles. Cartman tries to grab her ass but she hits it away. "I'm guessing that the fatass that tried to grab my ass is Cartman." "ha even she thinks your fat Cartman!" Kyle says. "and I guess your Kyle." she says to Kyle. "and the last one is Stan." "how do you know our name's Shananay?" Kyle asks. "Kenny talks about you guys all the time." a bell rings. "well I got to go. bye." she says before walking off into the back room. "lets go guys." I say as we all get up to go home.

---next day 5 minuets before gym ends---

readers pov

I sit at the top of the bleachers like I normally do. I look down at Kenny. he is so cute but he would never like someone like me. the bell rings and I go into the locker room. but soon after I'm locked out by Wendy in only my work outfit and a towel. I keep banging on the door until my fists are red. I slid onto my knees and cry. "why are you crying?" I hear Kenny say. I look up at him and he puts his hand over his mouth. he moves his hand away and says "Shananay," he is still in shock, "I didn't know you were Shananay, [y/n]!" "well now you know." I reply. the next thing I know is he punches the locker room door down. "thanks Kenny." I reply then kiss his lips lightly.

--later after school--

some pov

"[y/n]!" I hear Kenny call. "yes ken-" I'm cut off by his pale lips crashing into my slightly glossy ones. I kiss back with the same amount of passion. we pull away. "you dropped this." he says as he hands me my mask I where when I'm at work. "thanks." I say as I kiss him.

(sorry I just had to, I mean its Kenny for fuck's sake!!! hope you liked. ;3 )

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