Tale of Corvus and Anne - Chapter Seven

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"He'll come around," you told Sebastian, who was recently out of the shower, his towel wrapped around his bottom half. He ruffled up his mess of chestnut hair, which still dripped down his freckles back. He shook his head.

"I thought we were past all this teenagery business," he whined, throwing a shirt over his head. "He's going to be eighteen this year. Anne got over this years ago."

"Anne is a mature young woman," you said, pulling out a book from your bedside drawer.

"Aren't women worse?"

You raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Excuse me?"

"You were, at least."

"Oh come on," you laughed, and Sebastian winked. "Half of the messes we got into were your doing. Ominis and I always got pulled in."

Sebastian nodded his head like he didn't quite disagree, but the conversation stopped short. A lot of the funny memories where the three or four of them made mischief were covered up with the part where Sebastian had killed his uncle in their fifth year. Not only that, but then he had to go to juvenile detention and deal with it there, not only that but his twin sister died the next year. And that is always how these kind of conversations went.

It was an odd twenty-five years ago now. But even now when it was brought up, his hands shook and his jaw set. Now, he sat on the bed beside you and you opened your book as though you weren't watching him. He sighed.

"There was a lot I pulled you guys into."

"Yes." You agreed, but you didn't say any more.

"Ominis is worried about him," Sebastian went on. "He's obviously going through some things and he's never trusted him with them. He's asking us to talk to Anne."

"He's not much of a talker," you set your book on your lap and thought about it. "He talks to Anne, but he's never spoken to either of us. I think it's out of our hands. Whatever he's going through, I'm sure Imelda and Ominis can deal with it. Anne is helping."

"Do you reckon Anne actually helps?" Sebastian smiled.

"What kind of question is that?" you joked. "Course. She's a mature young lady. She'd offer him some advice. I promise."

"Alright. Just trying to be the good uncle."

"You're an amazing uncle. A wonderful father. And a questionable husband." You kissed him on the cheek and he laughed.

"I love you too."

Corvus POV

The Great Hall was buzzing with students. It was filling up for the announcement that had been building up for days now. It was early December, and the Hall was decorated with Christmas trees and colours of red and green. Thomas sat next to him, as usual, with Anne across from them with her Gryffindor partner, Arnold, otherwise known as Arn. Her best friend Hamish sat on her other side. They'd obviously abandoned the house tables, what with a Gryffindor, two Ravenclaw, and two Slytherin together.

And if Corvus looked behind him, to his right and then under a rather large Gryffindor boy's elbow, he could just make out Aleks sitting next to another Gryffindor girl. He looked rather flat actually, sitting with his head resting on his arms. The girl was running a hand up and down his back, and Corvus shook his head. Stupid. Look away.

"I want them to hurry up and get it over with," Anne snapped, and Corvus looked around to wonder out loud why on Earth Anne was being so aggressive.

"What's wrong?" Arn said, in a surprised tone, before Corvus could get a word in.

"I have an ancient runes essay due tomorrow morning and I've only half done it. And the half of it I have done is more like a quarter, which is more like an eighth of actual proper information, of which only a sixteenth of it is referenced. Merlin, help me."

Corvus couldn't contain a small smile. "You need to calm down."

"You need to do my essay for me."

"I handed mine in days ago," Thomas piped up. "I barely even tried." 

Anne rolled her eyes and Arn gave them both a careful shrug.

"Why can't Anne, I mean, Arn-" Thomas shook his head. "Why can't Arn do it for you, Anne?" He shook his head again and Corvus chuckled.

"He's too thick," Anne sighed and Arn's eyes widened. He laughed.

"And my parents are saying I'm going through the hormones," Corvus teased. "Far out."

Headmaster Black cleared his throat. "The announcement today, students, is that the Yule Ball will be held this year on Christmas Day. If you want to participate, I suggest you pick someone to take. Usually, it comes after a significant event within the school, but unfortunately it has been cancelled this year. So we will have the ball as an isolated event."

Corvus looked over at Anne, and then Lana, and then Aleks. Aleksander Nowak. The girl next to him was bursting with excitement, but he looked to be the complete opposite.

Ominis POV

Ominis could hear Imelda singing in the kitchen. He had his eyes closed on the veranda outside their house, taking in the fresh air, when he heard a loud bang from the door at the front of the house.

"What in Merlin's name?"

"It's Corvus! What a surprise, dear!"

Ominis stood up and placed a hand on the wall to guide him inside quickly. "Corvus? How are you? What are you doing here?"

"Im here to ask for some money for dress robes," Corvus said, like it was obvious, and Ominis heard Imelda scoff. He raised an eyebrow in questioning. "They're having a ball, and I want to take someone in particular, but I need good dress robes-"

Corvus seemed to be freaking out, and Ominis almost laughed, shaking his head. This boy had surely gotten past the stage where he was nervous about girls.

"Have you asked her to go with you yet?" he asked.

"Who?" Corvus replied.

Imelda made a noise in her throat. "The girl? To the ball?"

Ominis didn't hear anything after that, Corvus had gone to his room and shuffled through his drawers.

"I guess we don't push for any more information?" Imelda asked, placing a hand on the small of Ominis' back, guiding him back towards their room where they sat on the bed.

"We'll just let him do his thing," Ominis decided.

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