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Lash's pov
Y'know, sometimes life throws a whirlwind in your path. Sometimes many. But the key to them is taking a deep breath, and hold onto what you know and love tightly. But not too tightly, for you'll hurt yourself. This was definitely one of those moments, flung from home in a near death experience, only to wind up in a dorm with a bunch of highschoolers the next day.
Every step bakugo took i could feel, and to me it was agonizingly slow to walk from the interior of the Eggcarrier to thier "Dorm home" as the one called Pinky said.
Once we got there bakugo set me down and i took off my communicator." Could i possibly get this into some rice? I know it's not waterproof and may be destroyed, but i wanna see if it'll still work."
Deku dashes off and comes back with a bowl of rice, which i put the watch in and a icy stab filled my heart.
My friends thought i was dead. My boyfriend mare would be devastated. My brother, Erric who had been telling me to call him that as of late. Well.... he had already lost the love of his life, to lose his adopted sister? I could only grasp the grief my brother was putting himself through. Esspecially since we had only lost silver 6 months ago.

Without realizing it i curl close together, only to feel a gentle hand on my head and my ears perk.
"Whatever's bugging you, you can tell us about it, we won't tell the boys."
I look up to see only the girl heros, out of costume as one with striking raven hair passes me a cup of strange smelling tea, but i put it down.
"No thanks, teas make me feel weird. But thank you.... the thought was nice." I smile to show my genuine reaction to the thought and the girl nods," no problem, i'm Creati by the way, i know we're all introducing by hero names."
I chuckle," Whiplash, but call me Lash for short, it's just easier. I don't got no secret identity to withold." The girls all giggle and the one i assume is Earphone Jack says,"yeah we're a close knit family as students and heros, do you have anyone like that back on Mobius?"
That question hit like a jab to the stomach.
"Yeah. My brother Erric, adopted older brother, crazy tactical....but... he probably thinks i'm dead."
"Oh yeah, i remember you mentioning something about the wreck once being in the sea before you were teleported here with it."
Uravity pipes up next,"are you feeling ok physically by the way? We should've done a physical check up once you landed with Froppy."
I chuckle," i feel ok, still feeling the chill, but it'll wear off. I had awhile to get the water outta me. How long ago did the wreck land anyways?"
"A day" Froppy says,"the Pros wanted to make sure the flooding was clear before they went in. They should've gone in earlier. Then it wouldn't have fallen on us to save you from freezing to death."
I feel a slight relief, maybe i could get a message out that i'm alive. But how?
"Hello?" Uravity pipes up.
"Oh sorry... just... worried about my friends and family's reactions to my supposad death. We've already lost 2 heroes to my nemisis. They need to be-" i can't stop the sob that escapes me, and in a moment i feel one of the girls hug me.
I hugged her right back. The multilayer dam keeping my sadness and anger back overflows until it all shatters, i end up crying and gripping her shirt tightly.
After what feels like hours my sobs stifle off into sniffles and redened eyes. Creati gives me a box of tissues and i blow my nose.
"Thank you Creati and Uravity."
Uravity smiles and nods,"I help the heroes when nobody else will."
I can't help but smile at that. "You'd be a great person for that."
She shrugs it off," i get worse in training. But you should see Deku after a drawn out battle-" froppy takes over from here," he's always with Recovery Girl after a drawn out battle, cause his Quirk hurts him if he goes too hard."
I chuckle," he does feel strong, my energy even reacts to him, growing stronger the moment he comes close."
"Really? How does your powers work?"
I shrug," i mostly know that the energy is called Chaos Energy. It's sort of the lifeforce of my world. Those who have a closer connection to the energy can do more with it... i'll show you." I stand up and i dash around, stopping after a moment and i summon a spear on my hand and i fire it at Uravity's helmet, which she had taken off. I catch the helmet with ease." I can do more, but the next trick is harder cause i need fire or water to do it."
Creati smiles and Froppy brings over a cup of water.
I sit down, and i focus, putting my hands around the cup and the water lifts out and i close my eyes, wrapping my hands around the ball of water as i imagine the basics, 4 legs, 2 small, fairylike wings, the little head bobble, and i could feel a new will awakening as light filled the water. I let it go, my hands cupping underneath as i open my eyes.
A small, pale blueish chao lands in my hands, thier patterns were a soft purple to match my eyes, but i smile and ask,"you wanna find a new home, or stick around a bit?"
The chao looked to me, then looked outside and pointed out there. I nod,"go on little guy. Go find a spot to make a Chao garden!" It flies away, zipping out the open door.
"Wow- how are you able to do that?"
I shrug," i honestly dunno, but it's a really hard move. I only summoned them, i just tell the energy what i want, and they appear. I always ask the ones i summon what they wanna do. The phoenix's are so pretty to watch fly away, Chao's are ones who tend to stick around and help out with housecleaning."
"Wow, adorable and handy" Uravity says and i nod.
"Yeah, it's handy when your the number 1 hero and crisis's always happen while i'm away."
"Yikes, that's gotta be rough, our number 1 just ended up retiring just a couple months ago."
A few months? "How long was he guarding that mantle?"
Deku pipes up," several years, i'm not sure exactly how many."
I nod, i'd have to ask the guy myself it seems.
" oh, your watch should be ready in the morning. If it still works."
I sigh," Comic makes really robust tech, it should still work, it would depend on how long i was underwater.... i know it couldn't have been very long. But why do i feel like it was longer then i think?"
Froppy pipes up," maybe it's just cause of the teleportation? It's altering your conception if time. I've heard of that happening to heros with speed or warping abilities"
I shrug," yeah, Comic would call my constant twitching a "Speedster's ADHD", cause i'd always have to be moving, have to be doing something due to the fact that i see everything slower then everyone else."
Ingenium speaks next," a Speed type quirk, what can you do?"
I smirk,"I bet i could beat your fastest around the house in under half the time it takes them."
Deku perks up, curiousity alight in his forest green eyes.
"Well, a friendly competition wouldn't hurt." Ingenium speaks for the group as i stretch." Why not just have a battle like Mirio did to show us his powers?" Kirishima says,"do you got a place we can do that? Don't worry, I'm not one to hurt somebody who doesn't deserve it."
They all nod and go get into thier hero outfits, my guess is they plan to try and go all out.
After that, we head to somewhere they call "Ground Gamma" and i look around the simple arena. This will have to do.
I start mentally mapping my running paths in case of certain abilities. The Tentacole could be an issue if i don't take him out fast, a quick bit of binding from Froppy's tounge will do, as for other speedsters like Deku, i'll need to slow him down, how? Ice from the Shoto boy. Dynamite? Heat is the counteract to cold, he can't sweat, he flounders, so i need to get both frozen. Now for Jiro or Mineta- wait, Mineta's throws could act as a way to stop Deku. Jiro's sound attacks are a problem, as i have sensitive ears, maybe i turn them on Koda? I'll have to move extremely quick. I get into a sprinter's position.
"Alright kids, give it all you got! But be careful not to harm your fellow student!"
And with that, the fun began, as i burst into nonexsistence for thier eyes.
Zipping around, i see them panic, until Deku cries out," She's faster then our eyes can see, Tentacole! Spread your tentacles out so she can't keep running! Tape! Add onto Tentacole's trap!"
As they start that, i grab some of the tape as it flies, and i wrap Tentacole in it. One threat down. Grape throws out his hairballs, and i use rocks to stick them and attach them to Sero so he can't move without being heavily weighed down.
Next, speedsters, Iida was easy, a rock in each leg and he was useless, Deku on the other hand, was thier planner, he had me figured in a moment. I dash to him, holding Sero's tape, and i tape his mouth shut, then pinning him using a combo of tape and Chaos to reinforce the bonds, before i finally let time slip back to normal.
A wild smile on my face, i watch them panic for a moment over my actions to pin the biggest troublemakers down.
Jiro doesn't waste a second, jamming her earphone jacks in, uh oh- gotta bolt before she hits- gahhh!"owww!" I scream as i bolt, my highly sensitive ears dropping and i spot bakugo flying for me. In a moment i make my descion and i drop into Jiro's line of fire, covering my ears as Bakugo flies right into Jiro, stopping the infernal noise.
With my problems out of the way, i turn to Creati, and Froppy, combined with Uravity. Creati has the brains right now, and i see Todoroki lining himself up, perfect. I wait till the last moment to dash away, and Todoroki nearly freezes the rest of the class while i stop and laugh.
"Wow, that worked wayyyy better then i thought it would, took out your idea guy and you all fell to pieces. Sorry about all the tape, but it was either that or i used force." I go over to deku and i pull off the tape on his mouth.
Only for him to be endlessly muttering about my tactics and i look to the other classmates and they were either facepalmed, giggling, or still being freed by Todoroki. I pull off the other strip of tape, also unbinding Tentacole and Tapeman.
As i worked, I noticed how much my energy levels hadn't been depleted by my Timeless Run tactic. Was there something different about this world, charging my powers beyond thier maximum? Good thing i didn't use force if so. I could've really badly hurt these kids. I pull the rocks out of Ingenium's engines using a bit of magnetic attraction. After that, we head back to the dorms calmly, since todoroki's ice had melted and it didn't even look like a battle had gone down.
This was a bright and inspiring group of kids. I couldn't wait to see how they grow, if i can.

Whiplash, MHA Honorary studentWhere stories live. Discover now