Deciding Fate

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Lash's pov

I step into the meeting room, and unlike the tight meeting room last time, it's a much larger room, almost hallway like, with a podium that was definitely too tall for me. I take an unsteady breath, worry and nervousness fill me and i sit down with Fatgum, and he looks over.
"What's got you so jittery Whiplash?" He asks kindly and i sigh,"just-t" i stammer, suprising myself.
"Nervous?" He asks and i nod, only fueling my energy gather rate with how nervous i am.
"My brother normally gives the speeches. I just be their hero." Fatgum chuckles.
"I'm not big on the speeches, but i do my best. If you need help, one of the others can likely take over from UA." I turn my head to listen, as the meeting starts with Nezu taking the stage.
"Hello, we're all here to decide on something that has been going on since the fall of that wreckage 15 days ago. There was a survivor in the wreck, and she has been living at UA these past few days, but something horrible has happened, and she found that she can't go home unless she does something drastic, Whiplash, come on up."
I get up, and i walk up, feeling their stares on me from the rows around me. I get up to the podium and Nezu steps down and i hand him my comm.
"The newest video, i have a bad feeling." Nezu nods and i hop up the stepladder there.
I open my mouth, but i couldn't corral my thoughts, couldn't say a word, all the gazes on me, and i simply couldn't say anything.
Did i seriously have this bad of stage fright? I could feel blood rushing to my cheeks, and i finally manage to swallow, and speak.
"Hi, i-i'm Whiplash, n-n-Number 1 hero of m-Mobius. Your guy's world is something i used to dream about." I blurted on the last sentance, i hadn't meant to say that, but a light chuckle ripples through the room, and i gather my courage to continue.
"Lately, my world has been struggling under the only villian we have on that world, he's taken 2 heros to thier graves, and i bear that failure. I'm letting Nezu pull up a video my brother and second hero in command Erric. This is why i ask for your help. t-Thank you." I step down and the video pops up, the thumbnail showing a massive ship of eggman's face, hovering over what looked like.... No.
"Lash, if you get this, we need you, or even some kind of backup, we're evacuating to Angel Island for now, but most of our friends are Zombots. We need backup badly. I can only hope we can hold out till you can come back." I watch him hop onto the Blue Blaster, which looks worse for wear, and i see Mareion at the helm instead of Comic. What happened? I try to hold it together, but then All Might stands and goes to the mic.
"I know i didn't enjoy that any more then you did, we're witnessing a crisis in a world we can reach out to help. Lash has a plan, since she can't go home alone, we need the aggreeance of Every hero in our society to allow Lash to Merge the two worlds so we can help hers. I'll let the discussion commence, but i can see from all the faces in front of me, Japan is down with this." A chourus of cheers erupt as All Might steps down, and many hours of talks go, with heros in the room taking shifts to still keep an eye on thier regions.
The basics of the merge lay out like this after the fact.
All citizens will be inside for a couple week long global respite, suspended till further notice with the virus. The second day of the lockdown is when i'll fly up to the edge of space, and start the merge, all heros will be inside as well. I'd managed to say that once the merge is done, i'd likely pass out and fall, and the sea heros and ones that can traverse the air well that they would catch or find me quickly. With that out of the way, the prepwork went into place.
I end up falling asleep at somepoint with all the diplomacy, waking up a few hours later in Aizawa's lap and he says,"you fell asleep and Tamajiki brought you over, you wouldn't budge."
I blush," Sorry Eraserhead."
He chuckles," your fine, i bet it was cause you stressed yourself out just trying to do public speaking. The media's getting the world out across the world."
I nod,"i guess time to gather as much energy as i can. I hope you don't mind me in the classroom for a few days?"
"Of course not, you'll need it for the merge. And you can record the rest of the summit to send your brother and say,"in 2 days, i'm bringing a whole planet of Superheros to help your struggling world." I nod and i zip over to Nezu, grabbing my comm, and i go back up to the mic. I flick up the camera and i hit record, paning it through the room, even to the camera and i say, my stage fright gone," In 2 days bro, not just the heros in this room, but all the pro heros across this whole planet are coming to save our world, and help us end Robotnik's reign of terror. Our war finally has a chance to end." I feel the tears running down my face," I'll be gathering energy for the Chaos Control i'll need to do, i'm also sending the number for the Hero Network here so you can collaborate while i rest from the merge. See you soon brother." I end the recording and i send it with the number tied to my account of the Hero Network, which i then renamed to Mobian Heros.
That night, i stay up with the kids, who play games to start off the lockdown, the chaos charging me to my super state, now it's just maintaining that and getting as much power as i can for the merge in 2 days time.

Whiplash, MHA Honorary studentWhere stories live. Discover now