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Lash's pov
I woke up at like 2 am. Sitting up i look at the time on the clock we had gotten for me, since i was staying in a spare room that had been meant for a potiental student, but the potiental was uncertain yet. 2 in the morning, and i felt like i could run across a couple continents. Why were my quills sore?
I get up and i look in the bathroom and i realize there was a soft golden glow... all around me. I grab my quills and i pull it to where i can see it.
The tip of the quill was pure golden. How? I sigh. I could think about this when the others all woke up.
Course that would mean that i would need to stay entertained till morning.
"Now what's a young hero like yourself doing awake?" I hear a calm manly voice ring out from the darkness. My ears flick as i see the blue eyes piercing the darkness, but i didn't feel threatened. A smile rises.
"I'm feeling a bit hyper, but nothing too bad."
The man chuckles as i walk over,"i used to tell myself that. Your afraid aren't you?"
My eyebrow raises,"are you the Legendary All Might i've heard so much about?" The man nods.
"That was me. He's gone now."
I laugh softly," a hero is never gone, because of the healed scars on people's hearts. The man might not be able to pick up the mantle, but the people he saved, they never forget."
"Speaking from grief?"
I sigh," you see through me. I see through you. Yes, i'm worried about what my family thinks of my sudden dissapearance.... i said goodbye, i knew i wouldn't survive."
"There's nothing you can do till you find your way home."
I smile," names Lash by the way, it's an honor to meet such a man."
His gauntly smile rises slightly, and i can't help but be reminded of my brother as i sit down.
"That Midoryia boy, he has your power now?"
"Is it really that obvious?"
"Nah, same energy markers. I'm used to feeling around different energies to tell what they are. Chaos Emeralds, Phantom Ruby, Master Emerald. The powers here are all unique, until i felt the markers left behind on you. I felt Deku in the time just after my rescue."
"Ah, yes, i kept telling Aizawa that we needed to check the wreck for survivors. He kept claiming it was impossible based on the amount of seawater that flooded the city. I didn't believe it, i saw Midoryia run to the dorms with so much panic in his eyes, and i knew that i was right."
"Good to know i beat the odds...." but did i really?
"Something on your mind?"
I nod," i keep feeling like i didn't survive. I feel like i was under long enough to be dead."
All Might chuckles softly as my ears perk as i feel the pinching increase,"that's some power you got there, does that hurt at all?"
"It doesn't normally do this. It pinches, but it's not painful yet, just like i got a bad itch on the end of my quills."
"Then what do you think is happening?"
"My best guess? The people here are practically bleeding off excess Chaos Energy from thier quirks. My powers are meant to draw Chaos Energy to power my abilities. Maybe i'm just taking in too much?"
"Hmmm, could be that, or your body's reacting to your emotional state. The more you worry, the more energy you take in. I've heard of a quirk somewhat like that somewhere."
I chuckle," that's possible, but how have i not noticed before?"
"There likely wasn't enough energy to cause this." He pulls a quill to where i can see. The golden part was growing.
"Maybe i can run it out? Only issue is i'd leave everyone else behind and i could end up lost."
"Well you could certainly teach Deku and Ingenium about the physics of superspeed better then any teacher here. It'll help at least, and make the kids better heroes."
I could see what the hero was doing, what he was saying.
"Alrighty, you got a deal All Might."
He smiles softly, holding out a card for me.
"Teacher's liscence, once you touch it, the picture will want to take itself." I nod and i take a breath, smirking as i take the picture and it appears on the card.
"That is some cool tech."
"Nah just easy to reuse cards. I'm gonna go get some rest, there's a solitare deck in the cupboard down that hall." I see where he points as he walks off.
A smile crosses my face and i wait till i hear a door close before i go grab the Solitare deck, let's see how well i do in a normal round of Klondike.
The hours fly by as i try 4 different hands, 2 wins, and 2 i couldn't finish. I prefer Spider Solitare really.
"Lash? What are you doing awake?"
I look over to see Deku, and i say."couldn't sleep past 2, talked with All Might briefly. He's a kind man."
Deku smiles and nods.
"Could you teach me how you move like you can?"
I chuckle," i was planning on it. Ingenium too, from what i've heard, you both understand the basics of Superspeed, but Speed gives you more manuveribilities then you realize, depends on how fast you can move."
Deku smiles and says," well you should check on your watch while i go get ready."
"Right! My communicator!" I shout as i zip to the kitchen, finding the bowl of rice and i pull it out.
"Please turn on-" I say as i tap the power button and the communicator turns on, showing i have signal, unlike when i was in the Kratt's world.
"I've got signal? Ok then, do i dare try to call home?"
Scrolling through my comms, i don't see a single text, probably cause they all think i'm dead. I tap the contacts app and i debate who to call for a second before i tap Erric's contact.
Please, please. I hear the ringing, as more of 1-A wakes up and puts on outfits for the day.
3 attempts to call, but nobody answered. I hope they're ok, and that my call was getting through.
I sigh and turn off the comms for now. Getting in contact would have to wait, i have a duo to teach. I'll test them to see what they know first. On water running is easier then up walls. From those two techniques, i'll move onto easier manuvering and ways to move even faster.

Whiplash, MHA Honorary studentWhere stories live. Discover now