| Chapter Twenty-Two |

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Days passed and Seunghyun was growing more and more anxious. His mind kept wandering to dark place thinking about where Jiyong could be and if he was okay. Just thinking that he was out there all alone and hurting and vulnerable because of him made Seunghyun even angrier at himself.

Still, he knew he couldn't sit around and throw a pity party for himself. That wouldn't bring Jiyong back to him. If he wanted him to be safe, he had to go out there and find him, even if he refused to speak to him. Even if Jiyong would never look at him the way he used to, Seunghyun knew he couldn't live with himself if anything ever happened to him that he could have helped. That's why he had to find him before it was too late.

Thunder shook the sky as Seunghyun drove the city, his eyes scanning over virtually every area he could see through the dark. There was not even a sign of Jiyong anywhere, though. Maybe it was too late for Seunghyun to find him. Maybe he had gone back to his old place or got a ride from some stranger, gone anywhere to get away from him. He didn't want to think like that, but what else could Seunghyun have expected after the truth was dropped on him like that?

A heavy sigh fell off his lips as he finished making his last circle around the city. Maybe it was time to throw in the towel, he thought--at least for tonight. He put his car in park at a random spot after turning it off and sat back in his seat, dragging his hands down his face in distress.

When he finally looked around at his surroundings, Seunghyun realized that he was in the same park that he went to the night he first picked up Jiyong. A small, faint smile spread across his lips as he thought of that night where it all began. He wished he could stop time and rewind it back to those times, when Jiyong was with him.

After another minute, Seunghyun sat up and started to turn the keys when he noticed someone sitting on the same bench that Jiyong was that night so many weeks ago. He couldn't exactly make out if it was him or not at first, but when the person shifted a little, Seunghyun could clearly see that it was him. He finally found Jiyong. He sighed in relief, shutting his eyes temporarily as the breath left his mouth. He slid his seat belt off and exited the car, shutting it before walking over to the bench.

"Fancy meeting you here," Seunghyun said to the younger male, not yet sitting next to him. Jiyong lifted his head up and saw Seunghyun standing there, although he could already tell it was him by his voice. His presence made Jiyong feel safer, but he wouldn't dare show it on his face. He was still pissed off at him and still feeling hurt by him, so he looked away after only a few seconds. Seunghyun sighed, not surprised by but still feeling disappointed in his reaction.

"I was worried about you," Seunghyun said as he sat down, his eyes on Jiyong although Jiyong refused to look at him. "I was driving around like a maniac looking for you."

"Well you found me, so you can leave now," Jiyong said coldly, doing the exact opposite of what his heart was telling him.

"I can't do that," Seunghyun said, hunching his back over and resting his arms on his thighs. "I already let you go once, and I'm not gonna make that mistake again."

"How do I know I'm still not just part of your assignment?" Jiyong said, causing Seunghyun to blink his eyes rapidly a few times in guilt.

"It just started that way, I swear. I never went into it with plans to make you fall in love with me so you'd want to stay. I never wanted to hurt you, even when you were part of my assignment," he said, his eyes falling upon Jiyong again.

"You're such a fucking liar," Jiyong said as a flame of anger lit up under his heart, just ready to burn it and all its stored hopes to pieces. He looked over at Seunghyun before continuing with his talking. "It all started out as a fucking lie. You only picked me up because you were told to by your boss. I mean, how do I even know if you being so nice to me was genuine? Or did she tell to be like that, too?"

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