Farm hunt

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Blizzard and Spruce decided to take their sons out for a hunt together. 

They went to the same field that Blizzard and Spruce went when they were their son's age. 

They redug the same sized hole that they used to crawl through the now plant covered fence gate, which had a broken part through the bottom. 

Now that Blizzard and Spruce had their sons with them, they had a better chance a bringing down a pig from the pig farm that was only fifty yards from where they were standing.

 Spruce and Blizzard went together as they approached the farm from the Northwestern point. Stone and Spear did the same thing only on the Northeastern point.

 That left Spruce's son Frost to creep toward the farm head on. Frost heard his cousins, his father and uncle walk through the tall wheat grass. 

Knowing that he should keep up with them, he walked on facing North toward the small pig farm. 

Frost then started walking in a steady trot, which helped him get to the farm at a faster pace than walking alone would do. 

Frost then found himself with his family again, as Spruce and Blizzard thought on how they should herd a pig out of the farm. 

Then they all saw a big male pig walking slowly because of his old age and very heavy weight. He was the perfect pig, now all the wolves had to do was bring him to themselves. 

It was clear that this operation would require wolves who had lots of speed and stamina, so the idea would be carried out by Stone, Spear and Frost. 

The three juvenile wolves walked far apart from one another, looking up occasionally to see if there were any farmers around. 

Then Spear and Stone ran towards the big old hog, startling him as he began to run.

 The chase was on, as Stone and Spear ran after him, herding the big hog into the tall wheat grass with Frost running around the hog to scar him into running another way. 

 That's when Blizzard and Spruce ran towards the hog, cutting him off from running back to the pig barn. 

Frost, Stone and Spear herded the hog over to a broken part of the fence gate toward the Western side of the property.

 Just then, a farmer came running out of his house. Apparently he had heard some of the commotion and came running out to see what it was. 

He checked his little pig barn and didn't see his hog. That's when he brought out his rifle and ran into his wheat grass field to look for him.

 The wolves would have to hurry up with their hunt. 

They steered the hog over to the broken fence gate area as he ended up smashing through it and stumbled into the forest, which sent the wolves after him. 

Blizzard howled for Snowflake and Icetooth to come and help them as they chased the hog into their part of the forest. 

The hog ended up running toward a log that he couldn't run around because the wolves surrounded him. 

Blizzard and Spruce attacked the hog as their sons joined in. The hog squealed loudly as he was literally being attacked from all sides.

 The hog then succumbed to his critical injuries, on top of the fact that he was old and heavy.

 The juvenile wolves already jumped on his back and were making him weaker Finally the old hog died as his legs collapsed underneath his heavy weight.

 Snowflake and Icetooth came running over and howled with the wolves, happy since they now had enough food to last them for a long time.

 It took a few hours of dragging the hog back to their den, but it was worth the meat the wolves would have. 

The wolves then started to dig into their large catch. Stone, Spear and Frost brought a hind leg over to Snowflake and Icetooth's den for them. 

Snowflake and her sister yipped as they ate the meat off of the leg. 

Icetooth decided to mark the small territory that she and her siser had. 

When she was finished, she returned to the den that belonged to her and Snowflake.

Stone's Life (Book 2 of the Wolf Titan series)Where stories live. Discover now