Chapter 10 a mission?

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"Is this a mission?"
Justin: "I think so."
"I'll read it."
Justin: "kk"

I open the envelope and it was indeed a mission but it was one that I dreaded.
It was the Jack the Ripper case. I was hoping to not get in the story but here we are.

I sighed.
Justin: "what's wrong?"
"We have to help out with the Jack the Ripper case. Unfortunately."
Justin: "why did you say unfortunately? I thought you loved going on mission cause it keeps you from being bored."
"I do love a good mission, but I work alone."
Justin: "oh yeah.... well, you can just keep me home and go by yourself. Since I don't know how to fight and all."
"No, it's fine. You can come. Now let's go to phantomhive's to talk about this."
Justin: "ok!"

I knock on the door and Sebastian opened it.

Sebastian: "oh? I didn't expect-"
I held up the envelope.
"We're here for a case. Not chit chat."
Sebastian looked at the letter and gently took it from my hand.
Sebastian: "very well then. Come inside and I'll lead you to the young master."
I nod.
Justin: "ok. Lead the way." Justin said with a sweet smile.

Sebastian knocked on Ceil's study room door.

Sebastian: "young lord. Lady silver-"
"I'm not a lady."
Sebastian: "right. Silver and Justin are here."
Ceil: "let them in"
Sebastian opened the door and I take Justin's hand and walked in. Sebastian walked in after us and handed ceil the letter. Ceil read the letter.
Ciel: "I now see what you meant when you said that we would see each other more."
Justin: "yes. I hope we work well together."
Ciel: "I'm sure we will. Come. I was just about to see our coworkers."
Justin: "lead the way young-"
I nudged Justin.
Justin: "I mean my lord." Justin smiles.
Ceil nodded and walked out the room. Me and Justin follow, and Sebastian went off to go make some tea for the guest.
'I wonder if madam red would like me. Probably not. Justin does most of the talking. That's the only reason his here...oh and because he comes up with good ideas. Sometimes.....'

We walked in room and madam red; Lou and his sister were in the room. Grell was there too.

'Fuck madam red! I want Grell to like me! They're so wonderful!'

Ciel sat down and me and Justin stayed standing.

Madam red: "Oh? And who are they?"

me and Justin bowed, and I let Justin speak.

Justin: "I'm Justin and this Is-"

"my name is silver m'lady. No last name."

I gently held her hand.

"may i?" I smiled gently whiling in her eyes.

Madam red: "y-you may." she said while blushing.

I smiled and gently kissed her hand.

I stood up straight (haha. straight. something that i am not. Hehe)

And returned to Justin's side. Justin looked at me with a "seriously?" look. I just shrugged my shoulder.

they talked for a bit and ciel decided to leave the room.

I walked next to ciel.

"Would you like for us to follow, my lord?" I whispered to him.

"yes." ciel responded

We arrived at his study and started to talk about the mission.

Justin "all we ask is that you share every bit of information. We can do most of the physical work if you want."

Ciel "I agree with these terms. I hope we work well together."

Justin "like wise."

Then Justin and I left to go home.
we arrive at the temporary house. We ate dinner.

"you can go to sleep and i'll save ciel."

justin: "kk. thanks, i really didn't want to."

justin goes to bed. I go get dress.



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I arrive at the mansion that Ciel was being kept at an go to the window of the room.

guy i forgot the name of: "-little brat!"

i kicked the window open.

"that 'little brat' is my lord." I said pissed.

GIFTNO: "what?! how?! never mind that! men shoot him- her- them! shoot them!"

The men start shooting but i dodge them while protecting Ciel. I knock all the men out. And put Ciel. I can hear Sebastian coming to the room. I exit through the window and go home without talking to anyone.


'I need to take care of myself more.' I thought as i hold my upper arm. I didn't dodge  every bullet. I ended up getting shoot while protecting ciel. I go and bandge my arm and changed my clothes.


'Time for bed, I guess

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'Time for bed, I guess. if I can sleep that is. I did wear myself out ...'

I went to bed.


Ciel: "next episode."

Sebastian: "Take care of yourself!"

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