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Willow tried to sit still. She and Hunter had been watching an old science fiction movie together while Camila had gone to an evening fair with the others, but Hunter had asked Willow to join him for a movie night beforehand. It had made her incredibly happy, and she had felt warm at the thought of Hunter wanting to spend more time with her. So they had stayed at the house.

But Hunter, who had gotten deeper and deeper shadows under his eyes in the last few days, had fallen asleep on Willow's shoulder.

At first he had dozed off again and again, and Willow had had to restrain herself from giggling with delight. He was just so incredibly cute!

At this thought she blushed.

Luz had asked her a few days ago if she was in love with Hunter. And if Willow was honest, she had already thought about it. Not directly, but rather subconsciously. In quiet moments, like when she layed in bed in the evening or watered the plants in Camila's garden.

In any case, her thoughts had always wandered back to Hunter. To the feelings she had when she was near him. She always felt warm and everything around her blurred when he laughed. Whenever she looked at him she was flooded with a strange feeling, which she herself could only describe as love. She liked everything about him. His laugh, the face he put on when he tried to be 'cool', his voice and the moments when he asked her for a hug in a small voice.

However, when Luz had asked her about it, Willow had only really realized it. She was in love with Hunter!

Her eyes wandered to his face, which, despite his sleeping state, still looked incredibly exhausted. She should really make sure that he got enough sleep.

At least he was safe with her.

She smiled softly as she stroked some hair behind his ear.

Some time passed and Willow just sat there, enjoying the warmth of Hunter's body pressed so close to hers.

Ever since they had fallen asleep cuddling together on the couch some time ago, Willow had wanted something like this to happen again. It had had such a calming effect on her and she felt as if she had slept far better than usual. Hunter made her feel safe.

But after a while Hunter started to move and woke Willow up from the half-sleep she had fallen into.

She carefully sat up properly again and also expected Hunter to sit up again, since she assumed he had woken up. But Hunter still had his eyes closed.
But his face, which had looked peaceful just a moment ago, was now consumed with fear. His eyes were squeezed shut and his forehead was in deep wrinkles. He was also twitching back and forth.
He was clearly having a nightmare.

And even though Willow knew he needed his sleep she also knew what it was like to be trapped in a nightmare. What it was like to feel alone and helpless. She knew that if she were in his place, she would have wanted someone to wake her up.

So Willow gently placed her hand it on Hunter's upper arm, trying to shake him awake as gently as she could.

Hunter squirmed out of her grip and stumbled backwards to the floor.

"Hunter!"Willow cried in horror and knelt down beside him. She raised her hands to help, but then didn't quite know what to do with them.

Tears were rolling down Hunter's cheeks now, but when he opened his eyes and looked in her direction, his whole body seemed to relax on the spot.

"C- Captain, "he whispered, his voice breaking.

"Hey," she said softly, spreading her arms, "Can I hug you?"

Hunter looked at her as silent tears continued to run down his cheeks.

Without answering, he lunged forward and dropped into Willow's arms. Willow gently pressed Hunter against her and rubbed soothing circles into his back, which was shaking from his heavy breathing, and slid a hand into his soft hair.

She rested her chin on his head and gently rocked him back and forth, the way her dads always did with her when she was sad.

"I'm- I'm sorry!"Hunter cried, pressing his face into Willow's shoulder, "I can only do everything wrong!" 

"That's not true at all. "Willow said soothingly, "You're not doing anything wrong. Everyone has a nightmare once in a while."

"But that- that I fell asleep was already wrong. But- I wanted to tell you-"Hunter interrupted himself and pressed himself tighter against her.

Willow's ears perked up. What had Hunter wanted to tell her? Whatever it was, and as much as she would like to know, it would have to wait. Hunter's well-being was her top priority now and she would make sure he was okay.

"It's all right, "she whispered into his hair, which tickled her face lightly, "it really means a lot that you fell asleep next to me so easily. It means that you feel safe with me, and that knowledge makes me enormously happy. But I also want you to know that it's mutual. You make me feel a sense of security when I am with you Hunter. I-"She took a deep breath, "I really like you. Very very much."

At that, Hunter gently disengaged himself from the hug and wiped his face with the sleeves of his yellow sweater.

When he looked at her again, he laughed joyfully. "I- I like you, too! That- that's what I've been trying to tell you all along. And- and also that- well I never could sleep so well as when we were cuddling and- so- I- "

Willow laughed softly and brushed a strand of hair from his face behind his ear. "Oh Hunter," she said softly, "I'd like to do that again, too. I really liked cuddling with you, too."

And as if they weren't both already red enough they blushed even more as Hunter asked a little shyly, "Can- can I kiss you?"

She nodded.

He gently placed a hand on her cheek and leaned in to gently press his lips to hers. Willow gently pulled him tighter by wrapping her arms around his waist.

The kiss was over all too quickly and Hunter looked away a little shyly afterwards, asking, "Will- will you be to me what Amity is to Luz?"

Willow giggled and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "I'll be happy to be your girlfriend."

And that's when Hunter grinned. "I like the sound of that word. Girlfriend. You're my girlfiriend." He laughed and kissed Willow gently on the tip of her nose.

Later, they snuggled back on the couch together. Hunter's head was resting against Willow's neck and his arms were wrapped around her waist. Willow held him close and every now and then pressed a kiss to his forehead which made Hunter giggle sweetly every time.

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