~It's different now~

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It was different than Hunter was used to. Much different. Everything seemed so new and well ... different to him.

It wasn't because they were stuck in the human realm. That might affect his friends, but Hunter's problem was completely different.

He wasn't used to living in an environment where his every move wasn't under constant scrutiny. He was also not used to having a positive environment.
Gus was always there to help him when he needed it and Luz kept telling him she was impressed with how far he had come after everything he had gone through.
And Willow ... her smile always made Hunter feel warm and safe. It helped him calm down when he felt stressed or sad. She made him feel a feeling in him that he had never felt before. It was intense and warm, but most importantly, it felt wonderful. Like a gentle morning breeze or the scent of freshly blooming lilies.

But even though this feeling was so incredibly positive, it also triggered a certain fear in him. A fear that made everything around him cold and pursued him wherever he went.

What if all this would be over at some point? Surely they would find a way back to the demon realm sooner or later. And even though Hunter would also like to go back there, after all he would like to know if Darius and the others were okay and alive, he was afraid of that. Would they all remain friends? Or would the others turn away from him when they were no longer forced to spend time with him?
Maybe Hunter would never see Willow again, never see her smile or hear her laugh.
And that thought made him sad.

But that wasn't all that was different now. Hunter had much more time at Camila Noceda's house for ... for everything, really.

He was no longer forced to get up at six in the morning or work all day. Hunter had time to occupy himself with things that really interested him.
He learned to use a sewing machine and was looking forward to showing Darius one day what he had learned.

But if you had time to deal with something like that, you also had time to think. And Hunter's head wouldn't stop thinking and it was driving him totally crazy.

Sometimes he looked over at Willow and imagined brushing one of her loose, dark strands of hair behind her ear, but he knew better than to actually do that. How could he have such thoughts? Did that mean something?

The worst change, however, was probably the fact that no matter what he did, he couldn't get a wink of restful sleep.

Hunter had been used to falling into bed in the evening after an exhausting mission and falling asleep on the spot until his alarm clock reliably woke him up the next morning. But now everything was different.

He didn't fall asleep right away because his day wasn't filled with hard work, but with fun with his friends. It was filled with laughter and jokes. And even though he appreciated all of that, it drove him crazy that he couldn't manage to fall asleep.

Even now Hunter laid awake again. It was the middle of the night during their second week in the human realm and Hunter was staring at the ceiling. Next to him, on the sofa, snored Gus, who had had no trouble falling asleep.

Hunter had also fallen asleep relatively quickly, but this time his rare night's rest had been disturbed by a nightmare. Yet another change. Nightmares kept waking him up. When he had worked for Belos, he had never had nightmares, but now he was constantly plagued by dreams in which his friends were hurt or dying.

Hunter sighed and looked over at the clock that hung on the wall.
It was just after midnight.

Maybe he should just give up sleeping for the night and go to the kitchen to make some cocoa.

Camila had assured him that it would be okay for him to make hot cocoa whenever he needed some comfort. She had told him that she had often made that for Luz when she had been little.

So Hunter flipped back his blanket and stood up carefully. His legs were still shaking from his nightmare, but he had mostly calmed down.

He made his way to the kitchen without much of an incident, but before he could get to the cupboard with the cocoa powder in it, he heard a soft sobbing coming from the direction of the living room.

Hunter glanced around the corner and his eyes grew wide when he saw none other than Willow Park crying quietly into her hands. Hunter felt his heart begin to ache at the sight. Willow was always so strong, which is why it was so devastating to see her so vulnerable.

Had she possibly had a bad dream too?

"Willow? "Hunter asked gently, trying not to startle her, "Is- is everything okay."

Willow looked up from her hands. "Hunter?"


And this is the first chapter.

Hope your enjoy it so far♡♡♡♡I just love Huntlow so SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!🥰💖💖💖💖🥰💖🥰🥰💖🥰

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