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The day was bright out. It was the year 2031 and Isabelle was watching Titanic for the millionth time. She had always wanted to act, especially in that. When she was in middle school she did a few plays and videos for her school. She was told she was a great public speaker. Part of the reason she liked Titanic so much was, like most any girl, due to Leonardo DiCaprio. In seventh grade she was slightly obsessed with the young him, as anyone should be. Everyone knew he was attractive as a teen, this much was obvious to the world. Isabelle always dreamed about meeting young Leo, but that was obviously insane.

On Isabelle's 21st birthday her friend Izzy got her the gift of her dreams. Izzy was an inventor and a pretty darn good one too, who was very ahead of her time. And as crazy as it sounds she had made the biggest scientific discovery of the century, possibly even the millennia. Izzy owed Isabelle lots over the years so when she discovered this invention she put her friend's happiness first.

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Meant to be in the 90's ~ Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now