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I slowly walked out of the bathroom towards the bedroom. I was worried about them seeing the scars. I entered the room they were all in their boxers. Forty % six pack Sixty % eight pack. They were all spread out on the bed an open spot on the middle in guessing for me. None of them noticed me yet so I put my arms behind my back.

My shorts were long enough to cover the scars on the high part of my leg. Suddenly Blake looked at me and said, "You look hot." Then the rest turned and murmured in agreement.

It was weird being called hot. With my turquoise hair that was still wet and just hanging in front of my face. "Well I'm really tired." I said yawning.

I was still standing but my eyes started fluttering shut and I felt five of my mates hot touch. They all picked me up in the process my arms showing.

"What happened to your arms?" Danny growled out obviously p|ss€d at the sight of the scars.

All the quadruplets were in my face now. Asking me who did this. Telling me they were going to wrip them apart. How was I going to tell them all the scars were self inflicted. Except for the ones on my belly which was from me being stabbed or shot.

Now they were all freaking out. Some were crying from the pain I had gone through others murmuring to them selves about they should've been there. Others yelling at each other. Some staring at my arms in anger.

"I DID IT OKAY ALL THESE SCARS ARE FROM ME I'M SORRY!!" I screamed they all fell into a deep abyss of silence.

I finally fell into the shock of everything not just the werewolf mate thing. The rape, bullying, depression and just everything.

My arms and legs were kicking out in all directions. My breath came in giant painful gulps my mind not processing anything. Tears were falling in an ugly mess.

I hadn't processed the move between standing alone to all the guys in a group hug around me. It felt unnatural unreal for any of this to be real.

You know when your laying in bed thinking abut everything and nothing. Then you don't notice your self falling falling into an oblivion of dreams. Not your physical form. Your soul everyone had different souls good bad broken.

In this in between of sleep and reality I decided my soul was iridescent it shined and bounced light off for everyone to see.

Then my soul flew it delved into the dark light abyss of sleep.

I wasn't sure how long I had been here only that it was dark and cold here. My consciousness was not available right now and I was jealous.

My girlfriend used to tell me that when your unconscious your consciousness is being used by some one else. So who ever had it right now must me be a flipping insomniac.

My girlfriend one and only. We dated for a year. Her name was Sibyl she was beautiful with long black hair and blue eyes. She took me out of my depression. Then one night these robbers came in taking our money. As we were handing it to them she hit one of them and they shot her. She made be promise to move on.

Then she was in a coma for a year and one day things started beeping the doctor said "She was going to die anyways." I was so mad. At everyone.

Her furnal full of people she was openly lesbian and had a fierce loving personality.

I missed her so much it wasn't fair not at all she needed more time.

I felt my self awakening.

I opened my eyes to see ten pairs of eyes staring at me. Five beautiful colors.

"You've been in a coma for six months we were worried sick." Ty said not in his usual joking matter.

I let out a dry laugh. "Your welcome insomniac ridden person." I whispered.

All the guys looked at me like I was crazy. I was pretty alright with that I was crazy after all.

"Your starting mating tonight with Blake, and the next pack the next night and so on we don't mean to push you but you've already missed six months, but first you need to eat." Draco told me.

I think I was ready to mate. It just depends how this mating thing works. We were walking to the kitchen and I had to tell Danny,Tyler, and Axel I didn't need help until they stopped asking.

Once we got downstairs the guys started cooking pizza. I had offered help but they didn't want it. It was oddly blissful watching ten manly men breaking gender roles making pizza while pink aprons were tyed around their waists.

They set a pizza in front of me. Anorexic vs. Pizza. I took one bite...then lost my control I started eating it as fast as I could devouring an entire pizza.

I felt that odd queasy feeling. I excused myself to the bathroom.

I felt my stomach fighting the food obviously against the idea of it invading. The bile started rising slowly then all at once.

The tomato sauce burning on the way up. My mouth felt very dirty my stomach felt clean but empty.

I turned around to see all the guys standing behind me with weird looks on their faces. I didn't like it not one bit.

"How about your try and see how hungry you are after six months in a coma." I said laughing trying to brb brighten the mood. Obviously not telling them about my past with anorexia.

They're so weird they're just staring at me like really. I started counting tiles on the floor. By the time got to 135 the guys looked at me worried.

They thought I was insane..... on wait lol maybe I'm the weird one yep.

My Iridescent Soul (10 mates)Where stories live. Discover now