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All the boys were looking at me with lust.

"Well let's get on with it." I told them Blake stood in the corner just watching us.

Without warning one by one they bit me on the neck going fast in a line. With each, pain I felt more pain but different very different. They started the chant I'm unison

"We Alpha's of Red, Black and Brown moon packs we

Declare Iphgenia Zsofika Iris

Luna of our packs and

Solemnly our mate till heavens

Or hell do we depart."

Suddenly I bright golden light came fourth and went inside me and these words echoed through the entire room.

"I now grant you your title

Goddess of Earth daughter of

The Moon goddess and

The Sun god."

They were all on their knees know what were they doing I wanted to kiss them. I grabbed the nearest one. Which happened to be Ty.

That's how I ended up with a line of guys waiting for me to dominate them with my new godly powers and kisses that defiantly over ruled their alpha command.

When we were done kissing we were all tired. We all passed out on the bed happy with each other.


It had been two months the guys had broken me out of my shell. I was eating regularly and wasn't cutting myself anymore. I defiantly wasn't depressed yes I'd had sex with each of the guys twice protected. Let's just say I was was not the submissive one on your relationship.

It took the guys a while to put their tails between their legs and get over it. A week ago a huge argument started about who's baby I was having.

It had been very tense. My powers were wicked. Think it and well it happens. I had just woken up and all the guys were still asleep. I suddenly felt slightly sick I headed to the bathroom.

I had been getting sick in the morning ever since the argument had began. My hunger had increased I was hoping it would pass but it hadn't so I thought of a pregnancy test. One appeared in my hand.

I wasn't sure about this and was kinda scared so I peed on it.

Fifteen minutes later and hormonal tears and I checked it. My worst nightmare it was positive.

I used protection with all the guys. Their going to kill me, I love them so much. Their going to be arguing over who's baby was inside me. Not believing the other used protection.

I started crying. Then I realised I was starving really really hungry but I couldn't stop crying.

I also realized I was going to become really fat once the year was up I was going to be four months pregnant and a ballon. I cried even harder.

I didn't feel like I had an iridescent soul right now I felt like this was definitely putting a damper on my shine. There was a knock on the door.

I realized all the guys were now outside the door. What was I going to say? I evaporated my tears made the pregnancy test disappear than made it look like I wasn't freaking out.

I opened the door. "What was wrong baby why we're you crying?" Alex asked I felt guilty lying.

"Oh, you know I just started my period I'm really hormonal and stuff plus you guys have been fighting all week." I told them in my least suspicious voice.

"Well let's all watch a movie will that make you feel better." I shrugged.

Now we were sitting on the giant couch with The Notebook on. I was crying really bad and I had finished three bins of I've cream!!!! I was starting on the fourth when Ty said.

"Woah babe you got the appetite of a wolf." He was just joking but I started crying really hard.

They all looked at me really worried. "I'm p-pregnant." I cried out.

They all looked at each other in accusation. "All of you used protection so I don't know how it happened I'm sorry I didn't tell you I found out this morning." They all hugged me.

Telling me it's okay and so on. "I'm going to be really fat!!" I told then sending myself into a rush of tears again. I defiantly felt really submissive right now.

Aiden carried me to my room with them following close behind. Once we were all inside the room, I felt embarrassed when I said, "I'm still really hungry." They all laughed.

"What do you want?" Danny asked me.

"Chocolate cake." I told then my mouth watering at the sound.

This is how I ended up with ten choclate cakes in front of me each guy trying to impress me. I ended up eating all the cakes. I felt increasingly guilty. I decided to do a little checkup on myself to see what kinda baby was going on in their.

Right before I was about to check the guys all looked at me like I was crazy. "What?" I asked.

"How did you eat all that cake?" Draco asked.

They had all gone down to the game room while I decided which cake I liked the best.

"I don't really know but I liked Drake's the best." I got up giving him a kiss on the cheek the rest of them whined.

"Look I'm gonna check and see what's going on on there." I told them.

Now let's see just picture your.... vision I guess? Inside your stomach. Also remember light you need light.

What I saw I was not ready for. Not at all I wasn't even ready for a baby but this I don't think a lot of mothers could handle at once.

This was not going to end well I think it was going to be a fluke. With that more tears then ever rushed down my face at once I was a goner I would not survive this. I vowed the babies would survive but I knew I couldn't.

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