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"Hello I'll be your server today what can I get you?" I told them with a forced smile and no name like usual.

They all looked up but the one without a girl looked at me funny. A girl with fake blonde hair and brown eyes and a nasally voice complained.

"We have to have you as a waitress or waiter I can't tell you kinda look like a guy plus your didn't give us a name so what are you?" Her words didn't hurt me I'd heard worse all her friends laughed.

"I'm a girl and I don't take kindly to giving my name out so what would you like to drink?" I said as nicely as possible.

"Can I speak to your manager?" She asks with an evil glint in her eye but I had to get my manager or I'd probably get in more trouble.

"Yes, sure!" I said with a fake smile on my face. I was kinda scared my manager was Sam a boy who was seventeen his parents owned the place he got triple my pay, and never even worked. He liked to blame everything on me already.

"Sam, this girl wants to talk to you." I told him nervously I really didn't want to lose this job I needed the money it payed 35$ dollars out of the 50$ I payed every week.

He followed me to the booth smiling even he saw the girls.
"What can I do for you?" He asked kindly it didn't help he was the cute guy, jock type from his school.

"Oh yes this waitress here is being totally unprofessional hitting on me and I'm not even lesbian eeww gross I suggest you fire her." She lied emphasizing on the word waitress.

Sam looked at me evily. "Wow that's horrible your fired Iphgenia." He said coldly.

"Sam please you know I need the money really bad and I can't find a new job that fast. I'll work an extra shift free or give you half my pay for a month." I said pleading and begging with him now.

"Why would I want half your pitiful pay that's only 17.50 cents a week. I get like triple that and you working a free shift does not make your behaviour any better." He told me.

The whole booth of people were laughing at me now. He continued butchering me. "Why don't you go back to Ireland were you came from no one in America likes you here have your parents pay for whatever you need, oh wait you don't have any." He said this all very rudely only because he was the one who interviewed me and when he asked for the family contacts I had to tell him I was an Orphan.

"I'll do anything to keep this job, please Sam." I said desperately. Sam looked to be thinking very hard.

"Fine, meet me in my office after your shift now treat these people with some respect." I turned weakly towards them.

"What would you like to drink?" I asked them.

They remained for hours teasing me the entire time. At 8:00 Sam came out and said, "There's a call for you Iphgenia." I looked at him bewildered.

He handed me the phone. Who would call me I thought I balanced the tray of drinks on my hand wondering who it Is.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi Gene." That voice that nick name scared me so bad I dropped the tray getting everyone's attention.

"How'd you get this number?" I asked shakily my voice cracking at the and. I didn't know how Tom my worst nightmare had got my work number. I had put him in my past and here he was reminding me of it.

"None of your business Gene so how you doing babe?" He asked calmly like this was a normal conversation.

"You can't call me like this and start talking to me like this after what you did!!" I said my voice raising to a yell. My eyes were watering and I chocked on a sob. I never cryed but Tom always managed to make me cry.

Everyone was staring now like I was crazy. "Well guess what baby I'm in New York and I'll see you tomorrow." He said and the line went dead.

I froze I thought I had finally escaped him. I was wrong he was crawling back for more. I looked at everyone not caring about anything anymore.

"What are you all looking at?" They all went back to their conversation.

"Who was that?" Sam asked me.

"The spawn of satan." I replied venom filling every word. Sam looked at me shocked I was usually very nice and shy. Tom brought out the worst in me the group of model looking people were still here looking like they'd heard everything.

"I have to use the loo." I told Sam excusing my self I'd gotten used to calling it a bathroom in my head but outloud it was stuck in Irish slang.

I locked the door on the girl employees only bathroom. I pulled my razor and slid the cool escape over and over but I new I had to go back to ny prison sooner or later. I cleaned the cuts and pulled my sleeve down.

The model posse as I would call them were still here and it was 10:50 I walked up to them.

"Is there anything I can get you before we stop serving?" They looked impatient.

The boy with the pretty blue eyes and no girl said. "No we don't want anything else are there any girls here other than you?" I looked there was a booth with five girls sitting there.

I pointed to the table. I heard one of the guys say something like it's one of them.

I entered Sam's office. He told me to get on my knees. I was horrified even though it wasn't nearly the worst I had endured.

Afterwards he told me. "You little slut you must not be a lesbian with that kinda experience." I shook my head and left his office. I went out to see if any one was still here.

The group of woman had left but the model posse were still here. I sighed I had to stay till they left.

I say down on a booth near by. Blue eyes looked at me and then he growled a word to me. "Mine." I raised an eyebrow at him everyone at the table gasped. They're freaky I thought.

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