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  I smelt a very clean smell and thought only one thing hospital. I opened ny eyes and saw I was hooked up to a bunch of machines. I looked at my arms and saw the scars I had made in my suicide attempt looked just as old as my other ones.

My stomach I could still feel six little babies in there. I was too busy figuring things out to realize a doctor was in front of me.

"Miss.Iris you've been in a coma for about a year. You were at work and a man named Tom shot you pulling you into a coma. Miraculously four months ago you became pregnant with six babies." He told me.

It couldn't believe it was all a dream I didn't believe it. Then I realized two holes. I was still pregnant and I met Blake before I went into a coma.


Knocking on Mrs.Kelp's door I waited and when she opened the door her face pulled into a shock.

"Were have you been dearie?" She asked me looking really worried.

I told her what the doctor had told me. She told me I could stay for free until I got some money. Then she told me about how Mr.Kelp had passed and I felt bad for her.

I also got my jobs back.


I looked down at the six beautiful babies that lay there innocent. I decided I'd start writing a journal so they wouldn't be left naive should anything happen to them. Also I'd write a will and testament.

I had my children yesterday on Christmas. I had been pushing for two hours until at 3:00am I pushed out Draveen who looked exactly like the quadruplets with brown hair and brown eyes.

Next baby I had he was born at 3:05am he looked like that triplets with black hair and black eyes. I named him Aveen.

My third baby at 3:10am looked like the twins with ginger hair and green eyes. His name was Traveen.

My fourth baby looked like Blake and was born at 3:15am. He had blonde hair, blue eyes. I named him Braveen.

My fifth baby was the guy version of me which wasn't much different. He had red hair and grey eyes. I named him Kiveen. He was born at 3:20am

My sixth baby my only girl born at 3:25am. She looked like me with red hair and grey eyes. I named her Izsveen.


I was finally out of the Hospital when a man handed me an envelope. I looked inside and found two keys and a check. The check was for, 5 million dollars. The first key for a car a mini van.

I strolled my babies towards it. Inside was six car seats. After strapping them in I drove to the address on the GPS. I pulled up to a big house.

After exploring the house I found a room with six cribs. Putting the babies to sleep.

On my way to the kitchen I found an note that said.

Dear Iphgenia,

We're sending you 5 million dollars a year to make up for not being there for you. Hold it together.

Sincerely your godfather and godmother,


I didn't even know I had a godfather or godmother. G.O.H who was that? I didn't know any one with a last name with an H or a first name with a G. I was going to take the money though. How else was I supporting six children?


As of now I was at the prison Tom was sent to. I was going yo talk to him after my remembering of this demon promise thing.

"Hello Tom, I know your a demon." I said through the telephone to him.

He sent me a nasty glare.

"I erased that memory of that promise from your mind long ago." He said his voice demonic like.

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

"Your godfather sent me here to kill you all those years ago but Tom had enough will power to just make me do horrible things to you." He told me with a smirk on his face.

My godfather he was sending me money who's side was he on. I looked straight in the demons face.

"I made a promise and I don't break them so you better hope that someone kills you in here because the death they give you will be far less painful." His face morphed into one of horror for only a second then he composed himself.

"This B|t¢h threatened to kill me." No one believes him.

I walked out of there with a smirk on my face. This was going in my journal.


I was on the last Blake Wolf on my list. When I looked up at the house it realized it was the one in my dream were we met my mom.

I knocked on the door. It opened to that girl a year ago who called me a lesbian.

"I need to see Blake." I said cutting to the chase as quickly as possible.

She led me down halls until she stopped in front of a glass door what I saw inside horrified me. Inside all my mates were making out with girls.

I felt something weird in my heart. I realized it was breaking. My emotions were also being turned with it. I hated them so much I would get my vengeance one day.

I angrily ran out of the house. I realized my powers had wreaked havoc everywhere. A gigantic storm. I sped away in my car. How could they just do something like that too me.

I then saw something to late a giant semi truck hurtling towards me. I was too late to realize that I was going to die. You bet it sucked. Funny how it works.

Before I knew what was happening I was soaring for the last time. Boy it was a sight, I was a bright iridescence shining in a dark place. I was in Hell.

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