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Nyctophobia -
A morbid fear of the night or darkness

I was put together with four other boys. Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, and Zayn Malik.

What I didn't know when I agreed to this, was we would be sleeping together.

I have nyctophobia. Basically a fear of the dark.

I really don't want to know how the other boys will react. They'll probably make fun of me and laugh. Worse, we have to sleep in the same room! I don't know what to do. I thought I should wait until everyone is asleep then get into bed with a nightlight or something. But, it's night now and I'm super tired. I would probably fall asleep on the couch if I did that.

I finally decide to just not tell them, and hope I don't have a panic attack.

"Ok, in bed now. Busy day tomorrow," Simon says.

We all get into our beds. We're all in bunks. Liam is over Zayn, Harry is over Louis, and I'm under an empty bunk.

The second Simon turns off the light, I start panicking.

The tears have already started.

I hear Simon leave the house, yelling out a goodnight on the way out.

I hope no one can hear me crying. Unfortunately, someone does though.

"Who's crying? Does someone miss their mommy?" Louis asks into the darkness.

That makes me feel worse because I do miss my family. A lot.

My crying seems to get louder.

"Ok, what's going on?"

Someone turns on the light which calms me down almost instantly.

My face is still red and wet, which I see from the mirror on the side of the room.

"Why were you crying?"

I stopped for a second before deciding it would be better to tell them.

"I-I have n-nycto-nyctophobia."

"What's that?"

"It's a f-fear of..." I stop.

"Come on, tell us."

"Th-the dark."

"Th-That's alright. Do you have a-a nightlight or something?" Liam asked.

I nodded and went to get it. It was a small nightlight. One of those for kids where you can change the color and the brightness level. It plugs into the wall so it won't randomly turn off.

Four Months Later
It's been several months and sleeping has been going great. I'm now great friends with all of my bandmates. And, they completely understand the dark thing.

Right now we're all getting ready for bed. It's a little stormy outside but not too bad.

We're all ready for bed now.

It's been a long day and we easily fall asleep.

I wake up in the middle of the night. The storm outside has gotten much worse but I have something much worse to think about.

The nightlight is off. The power is out. At home, I would have a flashlight in this situation, but I forgot it back home. My phone is out of battery too.

The only thing I can do is cry.

The crying seems very loud. I only hope no one wakes up. Except, one of them does. Liam. He can't see me like this!

I wake up to someone crying. I think nothing of it. They probably miss their family or something. It has been four months.

I wait ten minutes. Then, thirty. After an hour, the crying still hasn't stopped. I get down from the bunk and the crying stops right away.

"I-is someone there!?" Niall almost screams out.

Thankfully, no one else notices it.

"Niall? What's wrong bud? Where are you? Wait, where's your nightlight?"

"Power," he said sadly.

The power's out! How did I just notice the absence of his nightlight.

"Aww, bud come here."

He snuggled close to me and I hugged him. He was still crying.

Suddenly, the power came back on and the nightlight did too.

"Light!" Niall said like a kid on christmas day.

He immediately stood up and before I could stop him, he turned on the light. The rest of the boys shot up.

"What's going on!?" Harry asked.

"Sorry, the power went out for a while so Niall was crying and then the power came back on and I couldn't stop him from turning on the light," I said.

"S-sorry," Niall said, "Are you angwy?"

"No, it's alright. Glad you feel better now," Zayn said.

"But Niall, what did you do when this happened back at home?"



"What about your phone?"


"Um, ok. Well, why don't we go buy a flashlight tomorrow at the shops. Ok?"

He nodded.

The next day we got a flashlight and some extra batteries.

We put them on a table next to his bed, and from then on, there was never another problem with the dark.

799 Words

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