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Coulrophobia -
The irrational fear of clowns.

(Not trying to be rude to anyone with this phobia, but I think we're all a little scared of this photo.)

I have a great prank idea. A scaring prank...

Today is perfect because all the boys are home. The plan is to stand around a corner in our home, dressed in a clown costume. The corner I'm going to be by is around my room. So, I'll call the boys one at a time and when I hear their footsteps, I'll pop out and scare them! I don't know how they'll react, but I know it'll be funny.

I've decided to do Liam first. I shoot him a quick text.

"Can you come over to my room for a sec? Thanks!"

In a matter of seconds, I hear his footsteps.



He calmed himself down for a second before speaking.

"Why did you do that? You're so annoying," he said, but we both knew he didn't really mean it.

The second he left I burst out laughing.

"I can still hear you!" I heard Liam shout from the other side of the corner.

That just made me laugh harder.

I took a few minutes to calm myself down, before texting Harry. I decided on the exact same words.

"Can you come over to my room for a sec? Thanks!"

Harry responded with a, "sure babe," before coming over.

When I heard his footsteps...



I burst out laughing right away.

It took Harry, about, the same time it took Liam, to calm down.

"This is Louis right?"

That made me laugh more. I took off the mask and Harry looked slightly relieved, honestly.

"I'm gonna get you back, somehow..." he mumbled.

"Empty threats," I said, still chuckling.

He just grunted in response and walked away.

Now, Niall.

I sent the same text and waited.

A few seconds later, I heard him.



This was definitely the best reaction. He screamed so loud, and I think he even... wet himself!

After a few minutes of laughing though, I realized, Niall still hadn't calmed down.

"Niall? Bud?"

"What's going on?" Harry and Liam asked, walking to the same corner they were scared at.

"Did you scare all of us!?" Liam asked looking at Harry and Niall, who was currently... crying?"

As soon as the other boys saw this, they rushed next to him.

"Ni! What's wrong bud? Is this a panic attack? Was it not a good prank?"

"C-c-c-clown," he said, pointing at me.

I immediately took off my mask and practically ripped off the costume.

He seemed to calm down a little after that.

"So, what triggered the... panic attack?"

"I have... um... coulrophobia, the fear of c-c-c-clowns."

"Aw, I'm sorry bud. I didn't know. I shouldn't have done the prank in the first place though."

He just nodded.

"J-just don't do it again. Please."

"Of course bud," I said, wrapping him in a hug.

"I weed on myself. Am I a baby?"

"No! It's my fault this happened. Let's go get you cleaned up before you get a rash though, ok?"

He nodded and got up.

We got him cleaned up, and from then on, we always kept him from clowns.

555 Words (I know, short.)

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