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Aerophobia -
An abnormal fear of air, especially drafts.

(We're gonna pretend Niall isn't claustrophobic in this (because that could be a reason for aerophobia, but it's not in this).)

Right now we're at the airport, and we've already finished all our check in stuff.

Now it's time to tell the boys about... my phobia... of flying. I'm mostly just scared of the landing part, I don't really know why but I am.

I take a deep breath before speaking.

"G-guys? I have something, important, to tell you."

They immediately give me their full-on attention.

"What's wrong?"

"My- I-I have a phobia of flying..." I say, hoping they won't ignore me.

Thankfully, they do quite the opposite.

"Aww, Niall, it's ok, we'll help you get through the flight, ok?"

I nod.

"C-can Harry and Liam sit next to me?"

"Heh, ok bud, sure."

"Louis, Paul, and Zayn will be sitting in the row behind you, ok?"

I nod again.

"But, it's not the whole flying thing that really scares me, it's just-"

"Flight 27 may now board the plane."

"Oh, that's us!"

We get up from our seats and grab out bags.

We show the lady our boarding passes and I take a deep breath before stepping into the plane.

Harry and Liam hold my hands, even though I don't really ask them to.

"You can squeeze our hands if you need to."

"Umm, ok?"

When the plane takes off, I'm just fine, obviously. I only have a fear of the landing part. I did tell the boys that, right? I try to think back to a half hour ago.

Yup, I definitely started to say it, don't know why I would've stopped.

I put on my headphones and listen to music, trying to fall asleep. Right before I'm completely out though, I hear the boys whispering to each other. I shrug it off and sleep for the rest of the flight.

"The plane will be landing in thirty minutes," we hear over the loud speaker, waking me up.

This gets me worried right away.

My breathing picks up a little. I try to ignore the worry, but nothing works.

"Niall, stop faking your phobia thing, we already caught on."

"Wh-what do you mean?" I ask, confused.

He just scoffs.

After, fifteen minutes, the fear turns into a full-on panic attack.

I'm now bent over with my head in my hands. My heart rate is fast and it's really, really hard to breathe.

Five minutes later, I NEED one of the boys. I don't know why they wouldn't be helping me now if they looked so sympathetic earlier.

"L-Li? Can you hold my hand, I'm scared."

"Uh," he says.

"Niall, we caught on! You don't have a phobia of flying!" Louis says.

"Wh-what are you talking about? Why do you keep saying that?"

"Niall, we know how someone with aerophobia would act, my cousin has it, and it's really bad."

"Mine is bad too, it's just only focused on-"

"The plane will be landing in about ten minutes. Thank you for-" is all I hear before the panic completely takes over me.

My heart is beating so fast I'm shaking, and I can't breathe at all anymore.

Then, I start puking,

THAT'S when the boys decide I'm not faking anymore.

"Ok, Niall's not faking."

"No crap Sherlock!"

"Well, you didn't believe him earlier either!"

"Guys! Shut up, help me help Niall!"

I feel a hand on my back.

Harry and Liam hold my hands.

Someone gives me bag, but I've already emptied all my stomach so I just put it down.

I'm so focused on trying to calm down, I don't realize when the plane actually lands until Paul says so.

"Nialler, guess what bud, we made it!"

The other boys look surprised too.

"Look out the window!"

I breathe a huge sigh of relief when I see we HAVE landed.

"We'll talk about all this later, now let's get out of the plane."


At the Hotel
We just got back from the airport and have gotten into our rooms.

One will have three, and the other, two. Paul will be staying in another building.

After deciding our rooms, we all head to the buffet.

I don't eat much, still recovering a bit from the panic attack.

"You gonna eat any more Ni?" Harry asks.

"Nah I-I'm kinda still recovering."

A look of guilt spreads across the face and he nods.

After we're all done eating, we start talking about the flight. Liam is the first one to speak.

"Niall, we are so sorry about the whole plane thing."

"I- it's alright, I guess."

"But, why weren't you worried at the beginning or the middle?"

"Didn't I tell you? I'm only afraid of the landing part."

"Oh. Wait, I don't remember you telling us that."


I think back. I told them right before we boarded. Wait, then the speaker cut me off. But, I also told them when... damn it! The speaker had cut me off again.

"I'm sorry, I tried telling you twice but then the speaker cut me off and I forgot about it, I'm sorry."

"Niall, it's not your fault, ok?"

I nod.

"But, we've taken tons of flights on the private jet. What about then?"

I quickly debate on wether I should tell them or not. I decide it would be better to stop keeping the secret.

I take a sigh before talking.

"I- normally I just sneak away while you guys are playing video games and Paul gives me some sleeping pills."

"Oh," they say sounding surprised.

"I'm sorry for not telling you about this stuff earlier," I say.

"It's ok, we know it can be a little... embarrassing to admit a fear."

I just nod.

"Th-thanks guys, I-I don't blame you for-for what happened."

The rest of the trip went smoothly, and we thankfully took our jet on the ride back.

I don't know why I put this jet crap in, but whatever. Hope you liked it!

1022 Words

Niall Horan Phobia FicsWhere stories live. Discover now