2 {Droids In Distress}

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Okay. So it's been about 3 weeks since I've joined the Ghost crew and Kanan took me on as his "padawan" i believe he called it. And since then I've gotten pretty close with the Ghost crew mainly Sabine. She has also taken interest in my home world of Pandora and I've been teaching her about all the tribes both human and Na'vi as well as beliefs, and the languages. And in turn shes being doing the same to me but about Mandalorian culture which i was very interested to learn more about. I've also been given my own code name which was Specter 6. And right now we were currently being chased by the Empire. 


Kanan: I don't have a shot!

Kanan says firing the roof turret and missing his shots. 

Hera: Chopper do you have the coordinates?

Chopper: {Beeping}

Zeb: What did he say?

Hera: He said "Hello Hyperspace"

Zeb: That's not what he said

Hera then put the Ghost into hyperspace and we escaped from the TIE's. Kanan then walked into the cockpit.

Kanan: Told you we'd get away

Sabine: With the shipment. You said we'd get away "With" the shipment

Hera: Kanan we're low on everything

Y/N: Food

Sabine: Explosives

Hera: And Fuel. We need to make some money or we're gonna have to put the Ghost in storage

Kanan: There's always Vizago's job

Zeb: Oh so we're arms dealers again?

Kanan: Um, more like arms..redistributors

Zeb: Oh come on, we don't even know what kind of weapons we're talking about here

Y/N: I mean if it puts food on the table and fuel in the Ghost and frees up a bit of time for some Jedi training then it might be worth it

Kanan then walked over and turned to Hera. 

Kanan: You game?

Hera: Say i am. Then what?

Kanan: I already know the mission, let's head to the spaceport


We arrived at the spaceport on the nearest planet. Hera had landed the Ghost in another port and we quickly made our way over to our assigned shuttle. 

P.A: Now boarding Star Commuter Shuttle ST-45 bound for Garel

We made our way inside and Chopper sped inside and nearly hit Zeb who was sitting next to Sabine. 

Zeb: How rude

I walk over and smack Chopper in the face plate. 

Y/N: Behave

I then sit down and watch as a couple seconds later Minister Tua walks in with an aqualish male. 

Tua: This way Mr. Wabo. We have seats right in front

She says as the two sat down infront of Sabine and Zeb. 

Wabo: {Speaking Aqualish}

Tua: *Sigh* Where is that translator?

???: Coming Minister. Oh come on R2!

In walked two droids. One was a gold Protocol Droid with a silver leg and the other a white and blue Astromech. Alittle bit later Kanan finally made his way into the shuttle and sat behind me and Chopper. And like usual Chopper was being a little shit. Which granted was part of the plan to get the Minster's droids away from her so Sabine can falsely translate what he's saying. 

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