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"It's ten past seven, Lia." Fiona climbs up the ladder, knocking on the hatch on the ceiling. "The fuck was that?" The elder woman asks, hearing a bang from the room. "Ehh, nothing." Ophelia's faint voice shouts. "Okay, you have three minutes to get in the shower before the boys." Fiona lets her know, before stepping off the ladder.

"You need to leave." Ophelia chucks Malachi's clothes at him. "Why can't I stay here?" He looks at her. "Are you fucking stupid?" Lia scoffs, staring at the naked boy in front of her. "No." Kai scoffs, staring at the brunette. "Fucking hell, leave." Ophelia takes the clothes and chucks them out the window. "What the fuck was that for, Phe?" He whispers loudly. "You're taking too long, now leave." Ophelia glares, walking to the hatch on the floor.

"Morning Fi." Ophelia smiles, jumping out of the hatch. "How many times do I need to tell you, climb down the ladder." Fi scolds the girl, kissing her on the head. "Sorry, but it gets me down quicker." She shrugs, walking into the bathroom. "Seven fifteen, monkeys. Come on." Fiona shouts, waking in the boy's room waking them up.

"First shower!" Ian shouts, getting out of bed, making a smile come onto his twin sister's face. "No, I'm first. You were in there second yesterday." Lip jumps off his bed to see Ian trying to open the bathroom door. "You both lost boys," Ophelia shouts, brushing her teeth. "Fuck!" Lip hits the door. "Shit." Ian kicks it. "Fuck off, you're going to break the door!" Ophelia shouts, jumping into the shower.

"Shit," Fiona whispers, looking at the calendar. "Fi, electric is today," Ophelia informs her sister as she walks into the kitchen. "I am very aware of that, Ophelia. Thank you for the short notice." Fiona smiles at the girl. "Anytime." The fifteen winks. "Hello, Gallaghers. Del is in the house." Delaney announces herself, walking through the back door.

"Hey, D." Fiona brings the blonde into a hug. "Electric." The woman puts a box on the kitchen table. "Yeah." Lip looks away from his sister's best friend. "Coming through." Ian swerved around Fiona, carrying Liam on his back. "Hey, Delaney, come and sit." Ian smiles at the girl, shifting over a bit so there's space for her on the chair. "Okay." She nods, sitting next to him.

"Electric." Lip slams the box in front of Ian after he put money in it. "What's crawled up your arse and died?" Ophelia laughs, sitting in her chair and eating toast. "Nothing." Lip scoffs. "Money." Ian holds out the pot. Ophelia fishes in her pocket pulling out ten dollars. "Electric." He hands it over to Carl. "Electric." The young boy hands it over to Debbie, not even acknowledging it. "No, You've got a Happy Meal on the front of that shirt." Fiona shakes her head, looking at Carls's shirt.

"Oh, um, field trip. Need Dad's signature." Ian pulls out some paper from his pocket handing it to Debbie. "Okay." She shrugs, taking the paper. "Arms up." Fiona stands behind Carl. Taking his shirt before turning it inside out and putting it back on him. "Wow, Deb, that's getting really good." Lip praises his sister.

"Who's got the phone?" Fiona asks her siblings. "I got it." Lip gets it out of his pocket. "Any minutes left?" She wonders turning to look at him. "Uh, fourteen." He chucks the phone to her. "Hey, I need something for show-and-tell." Debbie smiles, walking back to the table with a bowl. "How much are we short?" Fiona asks, taking the cereal off the table. "Eight dollars and thirty cents." Debbie looks at Fiona.

"Oh, I'm tutoring after school." Lip says, letting Fiona know he'll be getting money. "I should be able to pay it off." He adds. "Hey, did, uh, Carl put in any?" Ian asks, looking at his younger brother. "Mmm." Lip hums, eating his breakfast. "Here have that. I'm full." Ophelia slides her plate to her best friend. "Thank you." She smiles. "No problem." The brunette winks, getting out of her chair.

"You're almost nine. You're going to have to start pulling your weight." Debbie scolds Carl while drinking her coffee. "That's right, and get a real job, not just dipping into the collection plate at St. Tim's." Lip looks at the boy. "Here's a five. That's Carls's money." Ophelia shrugs, throwing in more money as she walks to the sink. "I'm filling in for Candi. I can cover the rest. Lip, keep your money, Ophelia covered over half of it." Fiona kissed her sister's cheek. "Extra kraut on mine." Lip sits up and looks at Fi. "Cheese on mine and Lia's." Ian nods.

Ophelia ~ Malachi MilkovichWhere stories live. Discover now