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"Dad you're wearing... You know what, never mind. Have a nice day." Ophelia pats Frank's shoulder walking towards her twin brother and Delaney. "We come bearing food." Del smiles, holding up food. "My favourite." Lia steals the bag and runs inside. "Del, go and make my seat warm, I'll bring these out," Ophelia tells her best friend as she walks to the kitchen.

"Burgers coming through." Ian walks into the living room with Ophelia on his back as they both hold burgers."Uh, Lip, napkins." Fiona tells her brother. "I can get it." Karen offers lip. "Oh, no, no, no, you sit." Lip points at her, making everyone look at her. "Ew, why is she here?" Ophelia's laughter stops as she stares at the blonde.

"Don't be rude." Lip tells her. "Okay, Phillip." Ophelia holds her hand up, almost slipping off Ian. "Be careful." Lip catches her. "Thanks, bro." The black-haired girl smiles at the eldest Gallagher brother. "Only ketchup?" Ian asks, holding up a burger. "Me!" Debbie shouts, taking the food. "Thank you." Debbie smiles at her brother. "Extra onions, jalapenos," I ask. "Me!" Veronica comes running into the house, taking the food.

"Make room." V steps over the back of the sofa and sits next to Fiona. "Ah-ah-ah!After you finish your shake and fries. Silly." Ophelia slaps Carl's hand away from the packet of biscuits Veronica brought around. "But, Ophelia." The boy starts to whine. "No, but's, Carl. You're lucky Veronica brought them here." Ophelia points at him. "Okay." Carl sighs, eating his fries. "Hello, Wrenley." Ophelia waves to Carl's best friend. "Hello, Ophelia." The little girl waves back.

"Who's this?" Veronica points to Karen. "It's Karen." Lip tells her. "Hey, Karen, Nice top. What size are you?" Veronica asks, being nice. "No, she's the school slag who's sitting in my space." Ophelia glares at the girl. "Move." Ophelia sighs, folding her arms. When the blonde didn't make an effort to move, Ophelia grabbed her by the hair and drags her off the chair.

"I won't be so nice, next time." Ophelia scoffs, jumping on the chair and pulling Delaney on top of her. "Hey, sexy." Del smiles at her best friend. "Hello, hottie." Ophelia winks. "Shut up!" Fiona tells the two girls before putting all her attention on the tv.

"On a spot called Mr Magoo, the sacred family fishing grounds that paid off last season. But now... it's a bust. We have no crab onboard. I heard, "Don't go to Magoo, 'cause there are hundreds..." The TV explains as everyone stares at it. "Pass me a beer." Ophelia taps Ian's shoulder as she hugs Delaney. "Here." He passes her one. "Thanks, bro." Ophelia smiles.

"We've been fishing for thirty-six hours and haven't made a dime yet. We're getting, like, one hundred and fifty crabs and only seven kilos a pot." The man on the TV says before everyone's attention turns to Frank as he slams the door. "Whoa! You okay, Frank?" Steve asks as he sees the man's bloody face. "Hey. Is that my shirt?" Ian stands up and walks to his dad.

"Yeah." Frank nods, walking closer to Ian. I-I'm just asking." Ian steps back, but not before Frank head buts the fifteen-year-old. "Ow, what the fuck." Ophelia grabs her face feeling a sudden flash of pain. "Whoa!" Steve leans back, as Ian falls into the table. "Guy in the bar said to pass it on." Frank scoffs. "What the fuck is wrong with you, Frank!" Steve runs to the man and pushes him away.

"Wrenley, Carl come here." Ophelia grabs both of their hands and pulls them to the other side of the room. "Are both of you okay." The girl asks, checking over the two. "Yeah, we're fine." Both of them nod. "Good, I'll tell you what, both of you can go to my room and play on my phone." Ophelia smiles at them, making them jump up and down in happiness. "Here, go on." She passes Wren her phone and watches them run up the stairs hand in hand.

"Jesus Christ, Dad!" Fiona gasps as she checks her brother's face. "You're drunk, Frank, you're drunk!" Steve tells Frank. "This-this is drunk?" Franks opens his arms to look intimidating. "Stop it, okay, Steve?" Fiona looks at the man. "You want to see drunk?" Frank asks the other man in the room. "Don't do this to your kids, Frank." Steve shakes his head. "Aw, what are you, a tough guy, Steve? You think you're a fucking tough guy? Because you look like a premenstrual Filipino!" Frank shakes his head walking closer to Steve.

Ophelia ~ Malachi MilkovichWhere stories live. Discover now