Playing With Fire 🔥

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And he possessed a mesmerizing glow which made him want to play with fire.


For the next couple of days, Boss would unconsciously observe Noeul; in class, during lunch and every other chance he got. He was a puzzle!

He never paid attention in class but was never absent or tardy. He said he wanted real food and yet, ate chips, soda and gummy candy for lunch. And he seemed like your typical Casanova who had successfully charmed most of the girls in class but at the same time, Boss couldn't shake off the feeling that Noeul was also flirting with him.

How else would he explain why Boss had caught him staring multiple times during classes and why every single time, Noeul would wink at him or just continue to stare?

And what about the fact that Noeul kept ordering food from their store but didn't seem to tell any of their friends about it? It felt as though they were having a secret rendezvous that Boss unknowingly agreed to.


Boss watched closely as Noeul slurped the spicy soup of the Tom Yum he had just delivered to his house.

" weren't exaggerating." Noeul remarked, picking up the bowl and just drinking the soup straight from it. After putting it back down, he noticed Boss hadn't touched his food and asked, "Why aren't you eating? Not hungry?"

He reached for a glass of water since his tongue was practically on fire but then, Boss piped up just as he was drinking.

"Are you interested in me?"

At this, Noeul snorted, spewing a bit of water in the process. As he wiped his chin with the back of his hand, Noeul turned to Boss. "And what made you think that?"

Boss was mildly flustered with the sudden turn of events and now, he was the one being asked. But he already started it, might as well see it through to the end.

"Well, you always stare at me in class and you keep ordering food from our store. It's not like we're the only ones who sell home-cooked meals and we're so far away from here that every time I arrive here, the foods gotten cold. A-and you always order for two."

Noeul's smile just kept getting wider and wider as he listened to Boss and the latter felt more and more embarrassed as he went on. He was beginning to regret bringing this up.

"Naturally, I'd think that you have ulterior motives." He just kind of mumbled towards the end.

"Are you done?" Noeul asked after that last part and Boss timidly nodded which Noeul found incredibly cute. Then...

"You're not wrong. I am interested..." Noeul said. 

Boss' eyes widened exponentially at this but before he could jump to any more conclusions, Noeul added, "In your mom's Tom Yum. Weren't you the one who suggested it? And I keep looking at you in class because you're sitting by the window. I just happen to look at you when I'm looking outside."

Boss wasn't sure why but that was more than just mildly disappointing and it showed on his face.

"Why? Were you hoping I was interested in you?" Noeul teased, leaning a bit forward on the table. Boss pushed him back by the shoulder, his lips twisted in an annoyed snarl as Noeul laughed.

Once he had recollected himself, Noeul sat up straight and told Boss, "If it's too tiring to deliver food here, then you don't have to. I'll just drop by at your store when I'm craving your mom's cooking."

"Why couldn't you have thought of that in the first place?" Boss muttered, only just beginning to eat.

"I did think about it but I thought if I went to your store instead,'d be too busy to sit and eat with me."

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