Sunset 🌅

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His name was Sunset and just like it, just when he was at his most beautiful, he hid behind the horizon.


"If you need someone to depend on...then just depend on me instead."

Noeul remembered it word per word and it was then he realized that all this time, he was not in control. He became reckless and got too close and now, he found himself questioning whether he could do just as Boss said. Could he finally stop running and depend on someone?

But something was bound to go wrong; nothing ever went his way after all.

"Why?" Noeul asked. "Why do you want me to depend on you?"

And Boss, not having fully processed his own feelings, ended up saying, "B-because you're a good person and I don't want you to get with the wrong crowd."

Noeul's face was blank for a second, then he laughed. He laughed and yet his smile seemed regretful or was Boss just reading him wrong again?

"I could say the same thing to you. Don't get with the wrong people." Noeul said, sidestepping Boss and continuing on his way to class.

Boss didn't understand what he meant then and he didn't know that their time together was numbered from that moment.


As Boss lay in bed in the evening of that same day, he thought back on their conversation and how it ended. He couldn't put his finger on it but he felt as though he screwed up big time.

"Why did I say that? Because you're a good person?" Boss slapped a palm over his own forehead, regretting his thoughtless reply. But then again, what was the real answer? Why didn't he want Noeul to meet up with whatever his name was. Why was he practically asking Noeul to choose him instead?

He knew the answer. He did but why was it so hard to just come right out and say it?


After dinner and once his dad and sister had retired to their bedrooms, Boss joined his mom at the living room where she was watching tv and eating fruit.

"Uncle isn't back?" He asked as he sat beside her on the carpeted floor.

"Someone hired him for a delivery so he'll be late." She replied, stabbing a piece of fruit and offering it to her precious son. "And you, why're you still up?"

" reason, just can't sleep." Or so he said. After a brief silence, Boss tried casually asking his mother, " do you know if you like someone?"

At this, she turned to him with a teasing smile and asked, "Why are you asking? Is my son finally having feelings for someone?"

"Ma..." Boss groaned, on the verge of regretting his decision to ask her. But his mom could take a hint and didn't press him for details anymore.

" did I know I liked your father?" She hummed thoughtfully then said, "Well, I found myself thinking about him all the time and wanting the hours to go by just so I could see him again.

"Also, I felt like I could be myself around your father—my real self. He saw me in ways others couldn't and that's how I knew that he was right for me."

"That's..." Boss uttered. "Kind of cheesy."

"Brat!" His mom playfully slapped his arm to which Boss exclaimed, "Ow! Maaaaa."

They both laughed but on a more serious note, his mother caressed his cheek and said to him, "My precious son, you've had it quite rough, haven't you? I hope that whoever it is you have special feelings for, they know how lucky they are."

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