The Storm 🌪️

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Warning: This chapter contains mature content but be informed that there will not be graphic depictions of said content as I don't want to overindulge while using Boss and Noeul's actual names. Maybe next time, I'll use PhayuRain instead, hahahahuhu. Okay, moving on...

And after the storm has passed and left ruins in its wake, was their love strong enough to stand the tests of fate?


Noeul knew Boss; he knew that Boss was just overwhelmed with emotions and didn't mean it the way it came out when they were fighting earlier. He knew this but...he still couldn't help but solidify his belief that his past will always come back to haunt him and that no one could love someone so tainted.

When Noeul came to that small town five years ago, he didn't really know what to expect. In fact, he didn't really expect much-just to live a lonely but quiet life. But then, he met Boss. From the first moment he laid eyes on him, Noeul knew he was different.

Boss had the fiercest eyes and yet, his gaze was kind. He acted cold and distant but he was in fact a dutiful son who cared so much about his family and he was strong-willed but also soft-hearted-and very fun to tease because his ears would always turn red.

Noeul had never met anyone like Boss before and like no one he's ever known, Boss didn't care about Noeul's wealth or background, Boss tolerated him and at one point, Noeul would dare say Boss even genuinely liked him. But all of that was gone now.

Just think of it as a really good dream, Noeul told himself. Now, it's time to wake up.

But perhaps, not quite yet. Because then, he heard faint knocking on his door. It was weak, so much so that Noeul wasn't even sure he actually heard anything. He slowly got up from the floor and made his way to the front. When it was silent for several seconds, Noeul assumed he had just misheard. But just as he turned on his heel, there was knocking again, slightly stronger this time but still timid.

Who could it be at this time were Noeul's thoughts exactly. But before he could ask, he heard a voice that nearly made his heart seize.

"Noeul?" There was a long-ish pause, then Boss continued, "Are there?"

Noeul quite literally grabbed his heart, feeling the drumming of his chest against his palm. What's he doing here? He asked in his mind but of course, no answer came. Then, he heard Boss pipe up once more. "I understand if you don't wanna see me..."

But as though his body had a mind of its own, Noeul pulled the door open in a panicked manner, afraid Boss would leave if he took his time. Boss nearly jumped from surprise and Noeul was honestly quite embarrassed at his lack of playing hard to get.

Once Noeul was in front of him, Boss forgot everything he meant to say and it was awkward for a moment. That was until Noeul asked, "H-how long have you been out there?" And Boss replied, "About half an hour."

Noeul's eyes widened at this, especially once he realized Boss was wet all over. "Are you crazy?" He exclaimed and, as if forgetting their unresolved issue, he pulled Boss inside and ushered him to the bathroom. "Take a warm shower. I'll get you some dry clothes." He said, quickly turning around to fetch the garments but before he could take another step away, Boss hugged him from behind, holding him tightly in his arms as though scared of letting go.

In that moment, Noeul was still but his heart was going haywire and on top of that, he could feel Boss' subtle shivers. It may have been from the cold but Noeul had a feeling they were both equally nervous.

"Boss, w-what's wrong?" He asked, trying to glance over his shoulder but Boss pressed his body closer to Noeul's back so that he couldn't and said just barely above a whisper, "Don't turn around. I don't know if I can speak while you're looking at me."

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