Temperatures Rising 🌡️

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He was a scorching hot sun, a ball of raging fire and whoever came too close was bound to go up in smoke.


When Boss woke up the next day which happened to be a weekend, he found himself alone in his room with the bed made and Noeul nowhere in sight. Had he gone home?

But before Boss could entertain the thought, he heard a pair of voices from outside. One of them, he recognized to be his sister and the other one...

Boss burst out of the room to find Noeul and his sister having breakfast together and laughing like they were close with each other.

"What's going on here?" Boss asked in a sleepy voice, taking a seat beside his sister and across from Noeul. "Have you met my sister?"

"Mm! Just this morning." Noeul replied.

Watching Noeul and his sister interact so naturally, Boss decided to tease Noeul by saying, "Why are you still here? Aren't you being too comfortable?"

But that instantly backfired after his mom came back from the kitchen and clapped back on Noeul's behalf. "You're one to talk. How could you be the last person to get up when everyone is already awake?"

"Ma..." Boss whined cutely.

Noeul thought he was so soft when it came to his loved ones and not the cold and charismatic Boss he knew. It was honestly endearing.

Objectively speaking, their house was nowhere near as big or fancy as Noeul's and their lives were much simpler and yet they didn't really seem to be lacking anything. Their home felt warm and full that Noeul almost wished it was his.

By afternoon, it was raining heavily again. And there was a power outage, matching with grey skies and making it even gloomier. But for once, Noeul didn't feel lonely.

He and Boss were back in his room, hearing the heavy droplets of rain against the roof. And while Noeul was staring out the window, Boss was looking at him.

In his boredom, he ended up taking more and more mental notes of Noeul's appearance; his narrow shoulders, smooth hands and cinched waist. Actually, maybe boredom was just an excuse.

When Noeul unexpectedly turned his head and caught Boss staring, the latter kind of panicked and sputtered, "H-how long do you plan on staying here?"

But to this, Noeul flashed a confident grin and said, "Stop acting like you don't want me here."

Boss was instantly flustered and tried to think of a comeback  but Noeul hardly gave him time to collect himself. The latter scooted closer to him and said just barely above a whisper, "You know, it's called snuggle weather for a reason."

"W-w-what are you talking about?" Boss tried sounding angry but just sounded nervous more than anything. He dragged himself backwards, creating some distance between them. "It's not even cold. It's hot, so hot." He said and only ended up making it worse for himself.

"It's hot? Ooh...Boss, you're naughtier than I thought." Noeul teased.

"Shut up, that's not what I meant!"

"Are you sure?" Noeul asked, his eyes glinting in the dark. For a brief moment, Boss was entranced by his gaze but then, he felt something touching the inside of his thigh and that snapped him awake.

"Oi!" He exclaimed, protecting his crotch with his hands from Noeul's wandering foot. "Are you crazy?" Boss hissed. "My parents are outside."

Just then, the lights came back on and they heard Boss' mother say from the living room, "Kids, the power's back. Come watch tv if you like."

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