Eclipse 🌚

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There's a shadow on his face that kills the light in his eyes but in those moments of darkness, they were each other's light.


Noeul was still in a daze when Boss finally pulled away. The latter sniffled and averted his face, obviously embarrassed about what he'd done. But just as Noeul was about to ask him what was wrong, Boss suddenly said, "I was giving out free hugs."

Free hugs? Seriously? Boss wanted to kick himself for not coming up with a better excuse but much to his relief, Noeul didn't seem to catch on with what was really happening. Instead, he grinned and said, "You wanna join us, don't you?"


"For karaoke! Don't worry, we just started."

Boss remembered just then that Golf, Nat and Noeul were at the town center to go to the arcades then karaoke. He didn't exactly want to join them especially after his own friends sort of excluded him but what other reason would he give for being there? And he didn't want to go home so soon either.

"Come onnnn." Noeul whined in a cute way. "I want to hear you sing."


When Noeul came back to their karaoke room, he announced, "Hey guys! Look, I caught a big fish." He then pulled a still hesitant Boss into the room.

At first, his friends had a look of disbelief as though something totally impossible just happened but they eventually cheered.

"Did the sun rise on the west this morning?" Nat teased to which Boss just chuckled. He still felt kinda awkward but he didn't really have much time to think about that since Noeul immediately harassed him into singing.

"Here!" He said, shoving the song book in Boss' hands then chanting, "Sing! Sing! Sing!" And the other two naturally followed.

"Okay, okay!" Boss gestured for them to quiet down and just punched in the first song that he knew on the song book—I love you 3000.

"Ooh, I like this song." Noeul remarked and hollered as the song began.

Boss may have dragged his feet to the front, held the mic somewhat awkwardly and looked like a kid who was forced to sing at a family reunion but when he started singing, he was a different person.

His voice was soulful and sweet like a lullaby and he couldn't have picked a more perfect song to go with it. Golf and Nat playfully slow danced to his song while Noeul sat down and listened, just waving his hands.

He recalled how Boss hugged him earlier and the stray tear that he wiped away as he turned to hide his face. Noeul knew something was wrong but Boss didn't seem to wanna talk about it so he dragged him here instead—and he was glad he did.

If it weren't for the poorly lit room and the crazy disco lights, anyone could have seen the look in Noeul's eyes as he watched Boss; filled with curiosity, admiration and warmth. 

But Boss did not miss it because he was looking straight at Noeul too.

For the rest of that afternoon, they sang their hearts out. Noeul even sang a Korean pop song to which he and Boss jumped up and down while Golf and Nat played the tambourine and maracas respectively.

At one point, Golf noted that Boss and Noeul have been inseparable the whole time with Noeul constantly teasing Boss with love songs and Boss' arm never leaving Noeul's shoulders or waist. Was it an unusual sight? Yes. But did Golf think there was more to it than what met the eye? No.

After all, Noeul had an infectious energy that even Nat and himself were affected by. And who knew? Maybe Boss had always been a load of fun; he just never had the chance to really show it.

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