Collide 💥

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When two hearts on fire collide, sparks are bound to fly but some things are bound to break.


When he was with Noeul, Boss was on cloud nine. But after Noeul had left and even with the promise of seeing him again in a few days, Boss had no choice but to come back down to Earth and face reality. And as they say, the higher the rise, the harder the fall.

Nat climbed up to the VIP lounge after making a few rounds at the bar. He was even grooving to the music as he reached the area where he knew Boss would be. "Nice evening, eh? Aren't you glad P'Year's back?"

But once he got a better look, he realized Boss wasn't feeling good contrary to the mood Nat thought he'd be in after spending the morning with Noeul.

Boss was sitting on the leather couch with a glass of rum but he wasn't drinking it, just kind of staring blankly at the amber liquid. Nat looked rather concerned as he sat beside him and asked, "Are you sure you're not bipolar? How could you be that happy and this sad in the same day?"

Boss chuckled at this, finding his own behavior silly. 

"Didn't it go well...with Noeul?" Nat inquired cautiously to which Boss took only a small sip of his drink before placing it on the table. He leaned back with an almost regretful smile and said, "It went well."

"Ow-kay...but?" Nat coaxed his friend to continue.

"But you know what I realized?" Boss asked, not waiting for a reply. "That Noeul and I were never a thing. All this time, it was just one-sided and I never had any right to be upset with him...or his boyfriend even though he is a douchebag."

"Oh..." Nat was at a lost for words. He tried thinking of something encouraging to say but this was kind of outside of his expertise. Thankfully, Boss said, "It's fine. At least I got to see him again and I know he's okay. That's good enough for me."

That was what he said and yet the deep sadness could be seen in his eyes. 


Meanwhile, Noeul was sitting in bed—wide awake. In his hand was his phone and on it was a photo he and Boss took just that morning. He giggled as he thought back on it.

After he promised Boss he would come to his show on Saturday, the sulking male was finally willing to let him go. "I'll take your word for it then." He said with a cute smile on his face.

To this, Noeul nodded and he knew he really should've left it at that. But in that moment, Noeul couldn't help himself and said, "Boss, should we...take a photo together?"

At first, Boss looked a bit surprised—understandably so. They bumped into each other in the worst way possible after five years as two grown ass men but now, Noeul wants to take a selfie???

But then, Boss smiled. He was reminded of the old Noeul just now; so spontaneous and random. He supposed old habits die hard and so, Boss circled around to the other side of the counter and stood beside Noeul who then held up his phone.

They had the perfect height difference, just enough for Boss to look slightly downwards and get the best view of Noeul's face; his long lashes, the sharp bridge of his nose and those kissable lips.

And Noeul snapped multiple shots, capturing that moment of when Boss was staring at him unabashed right before he turned his face to the front and smiled for the camera.

Afterwards, he went and reviewed the last photo only to notice the bruise on Boss' jaw for the first time. "Huh? Were you hurt?" He asked, looking up at Boss and mindlessly touching his face.

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