put in work

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[ nsfw ]
"i'm right, aren't i? oh, i know, baby."

exhausted, namjoon fell onto the couch, throwing his gym bag at his feet as he sunk into the pillows. he should've been making his way up to take a shower, actually, but his muscles felt like jello and the softness of the cushion against his limbs felt so..good. he tilted his head back, long legs stretching out before himself as the continuous beading sweat at his hairline trickled down his face and to his chest, gradually soaking his already wet grey tee.

   draping his forearm across his face as his eyes fluttered close, namjoon failed to notice the entrance of the eldest maknae. it wasn't until jimin had sank into the space beside him, did he re-open his eyes.

"i know why you've been working out so hard lately." jimin stated in a tone that showed he knew he wasn't wrong, his full pink lips quirking up into that damned flirtatious smirk as he stared knowingly at his hyung. to be frank, namjoon had no idea what the younger man was on about, but he humored him; giving a little nod and a raise to his perfectly shaped brows as he questioned out of curiosity,

"oh?" jimin hummed, throwing one of his legs over the other and leaning back, turning his head until he and namjoon were nearly close enough to kiss; and he could've kissed him, he would've, but not when he needed namjoon to be completely coherent as he spoke his next words. ah, so he was a little cocky, sue him.

"yeah, you got tired of your arms giving out whenever we fucked you from behind." he laughed, teasingly, enjoying the sound of his hyung sputtering out of shock and embarrassment, enjoying the way his honey-colored skin quickly flushed to be replaced by a dark pink.

"...tired of the way your thighs ached after riding one of us for a few minutes too long," as if by second nature, jimin's hand came down onto namjoon's thigh, and he sighed at the way the muscles flexed beneath his fingertips as joon shifted in his seat.

"i'm right, aren't i? oh, i know, baby." he grinned, giving his hyung's thigh one last firm squeeze before pulling his hand away.? fuck, namjoon continued to blush, avoiding jimin's gaze as he pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth; fuck, because..because, how did he manage to figure him out so quickly? namjoon squirmed.

jimin stood, raising his arms above his head in a stretch as he grinned over at his flustered hyung. after letting his hands drop, he bent down and pressed a quick kiss to namjoon's - now swollen - lips, before stepping away.

"come to jungkook and i's room after you shower. we wouldn't want all of your hard work to go to waste." with that, he turned on his heels and strutted away; and gosh, namjoon was beyond glad, for the younger man didn't see as he scrambled off of the couch in his haste to get to the bathroom and scrub himself clean.

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