prettiest doll

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[ nsfw, trigger warning ]
"i love you so much, my pretty boy. don't you love me?"

perhaps, it could have been viewed as poetic; something sort of a beautiful melancholic masterpiece. yes, it may have been, except, namjoon didn't feel at all pretty. he watched on as the once lively brown eyes of the boy in the mirror filled with that all too familiar liquid, before spilling down the suppleness of his pink cheeks.

he gave a quiet sniffle and drew in a breath, one so cautious that it caused his chest to visibly quiver from the force. the man that stood behind him grinned sinisterly, but only for a mere split of a second, before his eyes brightened and that all two sweet boxy smile stretched upon his handsome features once again.

"are those tears for me, baby? oh, aren't you just the sweetest?"

he then wrapped those unnervingly cold fingers around namjoon's upper arm and jerked him up from his seat, letting out a 'tsk' as the taller boy fumbled over his feet and nearly stumbled into his chest. joon brought his hand up to his mouth to muffle the cry that left his lips and pulled away from taehyung's body, casting his gaze towards the ground.

the younger of the two allowed his dark eyes to travel the length of the other's body for a moment, before stepping away and turning to make his way over to 'namjoon's wardrobe'. already knowing how things worked, namjoon wiped the tears from his cheeks, stripped down to his panties, then carefully placed himself onto the king-sized mattress that was situated in the center of the large room.

"good boy," taehyung crooned once he made his way back over to stand in front of namjoon, a pastel pink outfit clutched between his fingers. the elder sucked his trembling bottom lip into his mouth and raised his arms, allowing the other to slip the crop top over his head; 'daddy's pretty boy' is what was written on the front in a soft cursive lettering. the white frilly thigh-highs were slipped on next, then a skirt, a cotton pink one that barely covered the curve of his bottom.

namjoon had succumbed to a fresh round of tears by the time taehyung was done, his back bowing as he defensively curled into himself and his honey skin itching with disgust. taehyung made some sort of cooing nose and brushed namjoon's soft blond hair away from his flushed face just as a soft sob left the boy's glossy lips.

a beat passed, and suddenly taehyung was sitting on the mattress and pulling namjoon to straddle his lap, large hand braced against the other's shaking back. the younger man's gaze was piercing as they made forced eye contact and joon sniffled, a shiver shaking his spine. 'you're such a pretty doll. the prettiest doll for daddy'. was he? because no, no, he didn't feel pretty at all.

he felt gross, and cold all over..and like, he was going to be sick at any moment. he was sure he looked the part as well, but taehyung showed no signs of being annoyed, he simply cupped namjoon's cheek and brushed his thumb across his lips as he spoke,

"i love you so much, my pretty boy. don't you love me?" and namjoon nodded, because he was a good boy; the bestest boy, even. "yes, i love you too, daddy."

[ idea credits : mintyjoonie on ao3 ]

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